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The rowdy tavern was crowded with the most unscrupulous looking characters. There were good honest people mixed in with the dishonest lot, but they were few. One could tell who they were based on the way they clutch their luggage to their chest and kept their eyes lowered.

A man with a distorted smile bellowed, "What drink will you have?"

I asked for a beer and paid three copper coins for it. Taking my foaming beer, I headed towards the table with the honest looking people. When I sat down, they shrank back. Then, the boldest man among them said, "We're not looking for trouble."

"Neither am I," I replied. "My name is Casper. I'm looking to leave this town. May I ask if anyone here is interested in banding together to leave as well?"

The man stared me straight in the eyes, as though he wanted to see if I was sincere or not. "I'm Jonas," he said at last. "I'm here with my wife, Enola. We're looking to leave this place and find somewhere we can settle down."

Then he stared at me, waiting for my response.

"I just completed my indentured servitude. I was paid my wages and am now looking to return to my home. I have parents and siblings waiting for me."

Jonas nodded his head. He seemed to be thinking things over, whether or not he should allow me to join their group.

Having made up his mind, Jonas introduced me to the rest of the group. "This is William, a carpenter. This is his son, Wilber. Over there are two brothers, Maxim is the elder one and Marcus is the younger one."

"Hello," I amiably replied. I hoped I sounded warm enough. Despite my youth, I was considered a man. Therefore, the others also gave me the greetings allotted to a man and not a child.

Jonas appeared to be the group leader. He had the charisma for it. He had a square jaw with a trimmed beard. His wife Enola had a flat face and a wide mouth, making her appear like a frog. Perhaps, this lack of beauty is what kept her safe on her travels as well as through life. Beautiful women like Jerilyn would often face harassment.

William and his son Wilber both had strong arms. Their appearance was very much like those of any other carpenter. There was nothing extraordinary about their looks.

As for Maxim and Marcus, for two brothers, they didn't resemble each other in the slightest. Perhaps one looked like the father, while the other took after their mother?

"When are you planning to depart?" I asked them.

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