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Completely engrossed by the shiny gold pieces at my foot, I didn't even make a sound. If it wasn't for Raine, who suddenly cried out, "It's gold!" I might just remain in my foolish stupor.

The two of us hastily picked up the gold coins and placed them into my basket.

Then, I put the lavender bush on top of it. This was to disguise the gold coins. "Don't mention this to anyone else," I told Raine.

He solemnly nodded his head, indicating he wouldn't speak of it to Bacchanal or Garlan.

We then headed back towards the camp. In the dark of the night, when no one was awake, I stealthily looked at the coins.

I whispered to Midas, "Can you take these gold coins?"

"Some of them I can, but not with others," was her reply.

Upon hearing her reply, I knew these gold coins were most likely hidden bandit plunder. Midas accepted the coins she could, while the rest, which accounted for more than half, remained in the basket. I also gave her the silver coins I had made from the merchant. If we had to pay for entry fees and other living costs, I would just use the gold coins.

The following day, a mist shrouded the forest, making it difficult to wake up.

Although I knew Bacchanal and Garlan weren't greedy individuals, still it wouldn't' seem right if I was sitting on a fortune, while not sharing it with my fellow travelers. While we were eating, I handed a gold coin to Bacchanal, Garlan and even Raine.

"This isn't necessary," Garlan protested.

"Please take it," I said. "I have plenty of money from my transactions in Mileston."

Even Raine tried to give me back the gold coin. "You must keep it," I said, as I closed his open palm around the coin. "if we should be separated in the future, you'll need some money to get by before we find each other again."

Because my explanation was rather sound, Raine carefully pocketed the gold coin. Thereafter, as we were on the road, he would open his pocket every now and then to check and make certain the coin was still there. His mindfulness assured me he wouldn't spend the money recklessly.

We had traveled for half a day, when a loud distressful cry reached our ears.

A young, pretty lass ran towards us, while behind her, a group of five men with weapons pursued her.

"Help!" she cried out, as she saw us.

Garlan and Bacchanal jumped off the handcart. Garlan drew his sword. Bacchanal drew his lute. The two stood in front of me. From the height of the handcart, Raine who had been sitting in the cart, climbed into my arms. I held him and quickly withdrew, increasing the distance between us and the fight that was about to ensue.

The young lass ran towards Bacchanal and Garlan, who allowed her to pass their blockade. As for the bandits, they were stopped by these two men, who were completely opposite in height to each other.

"Why I never thought I'd live to see the day! A giant and a dwarf fighting side-by-side,"one of the bandits ridiculed.

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