The Nobleman's Kindness

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Tears fells softly like kisses on my face. I opened my eyes to see Raine's face magnified above mine, hovering a mere couple of inches from mine. I was startled for a few moments before regaining my full awareness.

"Don't cry," I told him. "I'm fine now."

This only made Raine cry harder. I felt at a loss for words when another voice said, "Now young child, it is unseemly to cry when all is well. If you continue to cry, you'll only invite the anger of the gods to come forth upon your friend."

Hearing this, Raine sucked in his nose mucus and refrained from his earlier sobbing with all of his might.

I looked over towards the owner of the voice.

The nobleman was thin in his face and limbs, but rather large around his middle. He emitted a bit of bright light. "What's this?" I asked myself, but to the nobleman, it sounded like I was asking him about my surroundings.

"Well, my boy," he informed me, "You've been unconscious for half a day. Therefore, to prevent further delays, I had them bring you into my carriage."

"Thank you," I replied to him.

"Nothing much," he replied. This was the common saying among the people to show there was no need for gratitude.

He was the first nobleman I had ever met who was kind to peasants. Indeed, most of the noblemen treated the commoners as though they were animals, in need of being chastised. This nobleman was singularly different from his peers.

"Sir, may I ask for your name?" I humbly requested.

He narrowed his eyes, pondering over my request for a moment before genially replying, "Mattias of Avondale."

I stilled. I had heard of this prestigious name before from the tutor. This nobleman had a strategic mind, great for dealing with political matters. He exerted great influence in the kingdom, with even had the king catering to his whims.

His reputation was untarnished. Among the nobility, there is none who can trample on him. The very fact that I was given the honor of being in his presence was rather fortuitous. I would have to count my blessings.

Mattias hardly moved and when he reached for his teacup. He seemed to be in a lot of pain and discomfort, but his face did not betray his feelings.

I saw that his body was swollen red and it was particularly swollen around the joints. This inflammation was gout, otherwise known as the rich man's disease. People who have this disease normally have a diet rich in meat, sweet beverages and beer. I had seen the Young Master suffer from this disease before. At that time, a healer had been invited to cure him. The healer had made a seaweed soup, which was the only diet the Young Master could eat for a full week, before the swelling went down. Then, afterwards, he was required to eat seaweed on a daily basis for a year.

I knew seaweed was a natural cure for this disease. And so, I told him. Mattias asked me how I knew. I then related my past to him.

Mattias thanked me. He quickly dispatched his people to travel ahead by horseback to gather seaweed from Alesburg.

Once he ate the seaweed, it wouldn't take too long for him to recover. But to prevent the illness from reoccurring, he would need to eat seaweed for a year. Originally, I intended to save the nobleman to repay his kindness, yet now it seemed this one selfless action would open new doors for me.


Author's Note:

Recently binge watched Thousand Autumns.  Love the voice of Yan Wushi.  I am such a voicecon. (∩'∀'∩)

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