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"Who did you claim can't stop you?" Midas stared at Septimus with wide, angry eyes. Her voice laced with resentment.

Septimus grimaced at her loud shout. "Manners, dear Midas. One must always remember one's manners."

His words threw Midas into a furious rage. Midas loudly rumbled with a spew of endless #@%&. Like a wild thunderous storm, she released all her might. She didn't stop until I requested her to, and even that took a lot of effort. It wasn't that I didn't think Septimus didn't deserve her verbal abuse, but rather I wanted to know why Septimus had come here. The sooner I knew, the sooner I could figure out a way to send him off again.

Septimus looked me over, like he knew me to the core. However, his look did nothing to unnerve me. Rather, it was his deity status which made me nervous.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him, frankly.

"A mortal who doesn't beat around the bush. I like that." Septimus' compliment did little to warm me up towards him.

With a serious expression, he replied, "I am in search of a young lady."

"Then why are you looking for me?" After all, I wasn't female.

He raised one brow, looking at me like I was kidding with him. "Why shouldn't I look for you? All this time, you've been harboring her."

"Her?" I didn't understand. Besides Midas, there isn't any other female in my group.

I sensed there was something deep hidden beneath his words. And for a moment, I had a foreboding feeling, which made me not want to find out what he meant.

Yet the words did spill out of his mouth in the next moment. "That child you call Raine, is the person I'm looking for."

"What are you saying," I asked with an incredulous look on my face. "Raine is a boy."

With a thunderous chuckle, Septimus replied, "Oh this is rich. You can't even tell the difference in gender."

Angered by his reaction, I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword. "Well, even if he is the person you're seeking, you still can't have him."

"Boy, do you think you can stop me?" The threat in his words was undisguised.

I remained silent. Based on the exchanges between Midas and Septimus, I knew I couldn't beat a deity.

As if he could read my mind, Septimus began to cajole me. "Don't worry, once you hand her over to me, I will ensure her safety."

If he wanted to he could take Raine by force and there wouldn't be anything I could do to stop him.

Before I could flat-out refuse him, Raine ran out and firmly stated, "Septimus, I won't return with you."

"My lady," Septimus suddenly changed into a fawning, weak expression. "I've made a promise to your mother. I must keep you safe."

"I don't want to separate from Casper." Raine stared at Septimus with fierce, wide eyes.

Septimus touched his forehead, as though he had a headache. "But my lady," he pleaded, "This measly weakling cannot help you."

"Raine," I turned to him, I mean her, and asked, "Who are you exactly?"

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