Ambush (3)

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"What do you want to do with these blokes?" Garlan asked me.

Before I could answer, Bacchanal said, "Just slit their throats. Don't let them hurt others."

I didn't want to kill anyone. In addition, due to the noise during our fight, Raine had woken up. I couldn't let the child see us murdering these two bad men.

Upon hearing what Bacchanal suggested, Marcus struggled futilely, attempting to free himself. Marcus released a long wail, "No I don't want to die!"

"Stop fooling around," Maxim growled at Marcus.

"Shut up," Marcus shouted out. "If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be in this mess. You claimed it would be easy money. Now look at what happened."

"How was I to know he would pick up two fighters to protect himself," Maxim bellowed back.

A lot of unexpected events happened causing Maxim to miscalculate. Had it not been for the addition of Garlan and Bacchanal, I might really be dead by now. This was a good omen.

As I was still deciding, Garlan placed a hand on my shoulder, "Lad, whatever your choice, we'll honor it."

With Garlan's full support, Bacchanal also nodded his head in agreement. With the immense trust these two placed in me, I was able to finally make my decision.

"Let's wait for the road wardens. We'll hand them over to the law."

"That will suffice," Garlan said.

After making up my mind, the burden lifted and I walked over to Raine. The little one instantly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, burying his head into my torso. I patted him on the back to comfort him. In this moment, I felt I had made the right decision in preserving Maxim and Marcus' life. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to let go and live life happily. After this almost assassination, I hoped the merchant family would give up. Or at least would have to answer to the law. As for me, I would just continue to live my life happily.

We continued to travel, with Garlan and Bacchanal keeping an eye on each of the tied up men. On this stretch of road, we didn't see as many road wardens as we did on the road from Guston to Alesburg. I was tasked with pushing the vegetable cart. Raine sat on the cart, not making a fuss this time about hand holding.

It was another two full days of travel before we encountered the road wardens. The road wardens recorded the information and then took the two men into custody. The head of the road warden thanked me profusely. As it turned out, Maxim was a wanted criminal for thief and murder. As for Marcus, being in the company of such a knave, only served to drag him down as well.

As the kicked up dust from the road wardens' horses settled down, we moved on our way. Our moods were lifted, feeling pleased with the results of a dreadful event. What remained of my past disappeared when the dust settled. From now on, I will live my life well as Caspian. 

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