Backtracking to Alesburg

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After we had settled on the price per pound, the merchant and I walked outside, where he had me take the handcart to his warehouse. He led in the front, while I walked behind. While he wasn't paying attention, I added more items to the cart from the tradeshop.

When the merchant uncovered the cart to see the fresh produce, his eyes were bright with joy. "This is really a good transaction," the merchant exclaimed.

Food in Mileston was rather extravagant, with sky high prices. It blew the man's mind to obtain my food items for a decent price. I bet the man would make a fine profit off all of this.

The merchant had one of his warehouse workers bring out a scale. We weighed all the items and the man ended up paying me thirteen silver coins. This amount of money was rather paltry compared to what Midas needed in order to unlock more items in the tradeshop.

Perhaps because he felt guilty for taking advantage of a young, budding merchant, the man gave me an extra silver coin. As a result of his generosity, I had fourteen silver coins.

The man then took me to his abode. It was a house he had rented for a few months. He handed the letter to me with the delivery address. The letter was addressed to "Dear Mary."

I assumed this must be his wife. I bade the man farewell and left for the inn. To be safe, on the way back, I asked Midas to read the letter with her divine power. She confirmed there was nothing suspicious in the letter.

Assured by this, my steps lighten.

Back in the inn, I discussed the matter with the other members of my team. Bacchanal took in a deep breath before stating, "There are plenty of bandits on the road between Oxford and Mileston."

As a wandering bard, Bacchanal would know this.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" I asked.

Bacchanal said, "We can backtrack to Alesburg and then head from there to Oxford. Although it would lengthen our journey, but it will definitely be safer."

"I don't mind the longer travel time," I answered. However, I still had to ask Garlan for his opinion.

The half giant mused over the matter before he said, "I'll do what you want. After all, I'm your hired hand."

I nodded my head and said, "Since it's fine with everyone, then we'll head back towards Alesburg."

Raine who had been silent all this time, suddenly had an agitated expression on his face. "No," he wailed over and over, while tugging on my sleeve. His behavior caused an uneasy feeling to wash over me.

"What's wrong with the little one?" Garlan inquired. Garlan had taken a strong liking to Raine.

"Don't go back," Raine said.

"Why not?" I whispered in Raine's ear.

Raine shook his head. I don't know if he didn't know how to voice his thoughts or if he simply couldn't tell me. Was it a secret he was hiding?

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