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Once Eris was finished, she opened up a portal. It was like a large mirror. The mirror was a screen that showed us whatever Eris wanted to see. And what Eris wanted to see was how the search for me had been going. Unknown to Midas and Septimus was that I had been taken to paradise.

Midas was like an arrow shooting all over the place. While Septimus had his men haul the massive warship out of the water. The divers had searched thoroughly for any traces of me, but they failed. Thus, Septimus ordered for the sunken warship to be retrieved.

It took almost everyone in Lakeburg, whether they were Lakeburg inhabitants or Salsburg migrants, they all chipped in to pull the warship out of the river. The warship slowly made its way onto land.

Septimus and his men searched the entire warship, but they found no sight of me. When Septimus found Lord Bromwell's corpse, he knew Eris had absconded with me. Only, Septimus had no idea where we had gone.

Eris kept this mirror portal open, as she happily cackled at Septimus' falling spirits.

After several weeks, a scout sent out by Septimus returned, bringing news of the demise of the fields in Salsburg. As predicted, the lack of farm hands caused the fields to overrun with weeds, choking out the good crops.

Midas wanted to leave Lakeburg, but Septimus stopped her. He told her most likely Eris had hidden me somewhere beyond the mortal world. Because if Eris hadn't taken me out of the mortal world, Midas' connection to me wouldn't have vanished.

With this information, Midas flew upwards and then, turned into a beam of light, similar to a shooting star.

"Not good," Eris expressed with a frown, as she witnessed Midas' transformation.

"She's coming to paradise to find us." These words were said with a hint of malice.

With this thought, Eris grabbed my arm violently. Before I could protest, she had opened a portal. This time, she took me somewhere away from paradise. I closed my eyes and again experienced that dizzying sensation. When we stopped, I took a moment to still my dizziness, before standing up on wobbly legs.

Looking around, I found myself in a magnificent room. The drapes were made of a luxurious silk. The woven wool rug on the floor was rather thick and lush. The decorations and vanity table made me realize I was in the room of a lady.

As I was about to ask Eris where we were, the double doors to the chamber opened. A lovely woman entered. Her beauty was comparable to a rose.

She gracefully walked in, and then closed the door behind her. Her ladies-in-waiting raised a cry of alarm, but she allowed no one to enter the room behind her.

When the door was locked tight, she turned and bowed reverently to Eris.

"Master," she greeted.

She did not bother with me, not sparing a glance. As I looked at her, I found myself unexpectedly asking, "Who are you?"

She looked at Eris first, and when she saw Eris intended for her to answer my question, she said, "I'm Lady Bromwell, the fourth consort of his majesty."

Author's Note:  This is the last chapter of Volume 1.  To read further, please check out Volume 2, entitled "Noble Adventurer."

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