A Private Discussion

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Septimus grinned widely. Then he bowed courteously to mock me, a non-noble. "Sir Caspian, my humble name is Lord Giulio Crohn, the Duke of Lakeburg."

I shook with fear. There was no one in the entire kingdom who did not know this name. The Duke of Lakeburg was said to be a militant genius. Even the king was afraid of him. On the face of this land, no one was stupid enough to provoke him. Yet, what had I just done?

As if he had read my mind, Septimus, no I mean Lord Crohn said, "I am sure you have heard of my renown."

I nodded my head.

"The reason I have built up such military might is to protect her ladyship. Well, now do you think I am still a horrid being?"

I shook my head. "But Raine does not wish to return with you," I said, felling a bit helpless.

"Caspian, you and I both know full well that if she is left to wander these lands, sooner or later the king will know of her existence. He already suspects she did not die within her mother's womb. As for the Bromwell family, they are also out to eliminate any residual line of the Klein family."

I could not refute his words.

"Midas told me you are a deity and answer to no master, but why are you helping the Klein family?"

Septimus eyed me with a bit of suspicion before he said, "Normally, one does not question a deity. However, seeing that you aren't out to harm me, I will tell you. I gained my godhead through worshippers. The Klein family has always worshipped me, the deity of the harvest. Through their devote veneration, over the ages, I was able to grow stronger."

"Because of their support, you are repaying a favor by protecting Raine?"

My question caused Septimus' nostrils to flare for a brief moment. "I'll have you know, I'm a deity and deities do not need to repay favors."

"I'm sorry," I genuinely spoke.

Lord Crohn's anger alleviated somewhat and he said, "Since her ladyship does not wish to return, perhaps you can assist me in convincing her?"

"What can I say to her?" I anxiously replied. "She does not wish to live a caged life. Her freedom means more to her than her own safety."

"You can at least try," Septimus berated.

"Very well, I will speak with her, but if she doesn't want to go back with you, you mustn't force her."

Septimus heard my words and agreed to my bargain.

I took Raine back with me to our room. Suddenly, I felt a bit strange sleeping in the same room with a little girl. Not to mention we would be sharing the same bed. I somehow couldn't' help but think of myself as a pervert.

"You don't need to try and convince me to return," Raine's words tumbled out of her mouth. "Because no matter what you say, I won't go back to that dreadful place. It's a prison and not a castle."

"That's fine," I told her. "I don't intend to try and convince you. However, I do have some other questions for you."

"Like what?" she asked inquisitively.

"Can you see Midas?"

"No, but I can sense her aura."

"Then did you know Enola was your mother's personal maid?"

Raine shook her head. "I didn't know. If I did, I would have asked her about my mother."

The desolation and regret spreading on Raine's face caused my heart tofeel pity. This poor child had sufferedso much hardship, it was impossible for me to ignore.

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