Septimus Appears

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With a peaceful expression on my face, I answered, "Hello, Septimus."

Unlike Midas, Septimus, a deity could choose to make himself seen by mortals. Garlan and Bacchanal looked at the dashingly handsome, albeit a bit heroic man in front of them.

"Utterly ridiculous," Midas spat out.

Septimus showed her a rare smile, but didn't speak to her. He looked at me and said in an alluring manner, "May I know your name?"

"Caspian," I replied.

Septimus nodded, a tinge of mischief bloomed in his eyes. "May I join you?" he asked. However, before we could answer, Septimus sat down. He made himself comfortable, as he ordered a fine large bottle of fruit wine.

"Come, everyone, won't you join me for a drink." Septimus' invitation was suspect, but I could only agree, since he had so kindly requested.

The fruit wine was tasty. It was just as enticing as the man in front of me. It's no wonder Midas warned me against him. His very core tempted others, whether men or women. I had never met a person like this before.

However, despite his free attitude, he was also someone a person couldn't stay mad at for long. Septimus generously refilled our glasses every time it emptied. His hospitality left no room for complaints. I was greatly alarmed by this kind of suave person. If I had to say, he was just too smooth. He knew what to say to entice our interest, yet never to dismiss our thoughts. I could see why Midas was wary of him. One wouldn't even know when they helped him to do harm to themselves.

Meanwhile, Midas agitatedly hovered around us, snarling at Septimus. She was like an angry guard dog, defending her home against strangers. Septimus would smile amusingly every time Midas bared her fangs at him.

I knew my drinking capability and stopped drinking after a while. However, both Garlan and Bacchanal fell under Septimus' spell. They quickly dropped on the table, completely intoxicated.

When Septimus saw this, his countenance changed. He tucked away the faint, charming smile on his face and said, "Looks like these two are finished for the night. We should take these two to their beds."

"Yes," I agreed, eyeing him suspiciously. Scary. Anyone who can change their facial expression so quickly isn't easy to read.

Septimus helped Garlan up. I helped Bacchanal. Raine followed behind us, his eyes were filled with fear. It was a wonder this young fellow didn't fall for Septimus' charm. We tucked the two drunk fellows into bed. Then I sent Raine to bed as well. His eyes pleaded for me not to leave, but I told him I would return quickly. Outside, in a relatively desolate corner of the inn's courtyard, Septimus dropped all pretenses and said, with a hint of mockery, "Did you miss me, my dear Midas."

I couldn't help but think he was sinister in a compellingly attractive way.

"Why you? I ought to call upon my master to burn you to death."

"Ha, ha, ha." Septimus' laughter drowned out Midas' words of anger.

"Do you think she can defeat me? You know I am extremely powerful. Even those of the ancient era must act cautious and respectful in front of me."

His words shocked me.   

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