Alesburg (4)

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I then asked Jonas what he planned to do. He told me he would head to Ethaburg and asked if I would do the same. I politely refused, telling him Garlan, Raine and I would head to Mileston. Jonas shot me a look like I was a fool. Therefore, I added that I planned on buying raw food ingredients here and selling it in Mileston.

With this reply, Jonas said, "Then good luck to you lad."

Garlan nodded his head, but didn't say much. I didn't know if he agreed with my words or not. However, later in the evening, when we were alone in the privacy of my room, I'm sure he will tell me what is on his mind.

We retired for the night. As predicted, after tucking Raine into bed, Garlan told me he had a high opinion of my choice to make good money.

"I'm not one to have good ideas for making money, but I do have a good eye for people. And Casper, I won't make a mistake by following you."

I thanked him for his utmost trust in my decision. Then Garlan returned to his room. In the quiet of the night, I placed 70% of what I had made for the day into the tradeshop. However, I didn't unlock anything new.

The following day, I paid up our tab at the inn. Then I left Raine in Garlan's hands and went out to sell food again. I made a good amount. This time, I returned to Raine and Garlan's side before going shopping. We first visited a cobbler. Here I bought three pairs of leather boots with thick wooden soles.

Raine excitedly put on these new boots. They would be good for walking. Garlan initially refused the boots, but I told him it would make our journey faster. Afterwards, he took them with thanks written all over his face. The current pair of boots on Garlan's feet had a big hole on either sole. He also discarded them and put the new boots on before leaving the store.

Then we went to a hatmaker to get some wide brimmed hats. This will offer us some shade against the intense heat of the sun. When all was done, I went to buy some food ingredients. This would only serve as a decoy. When it came to selling, I would pull out more ingredients from my tradeshop.

We met at the blacksmith's shop where Wilber had been hired. We said our farewells, separating on good terms. Enola's arms dangled at her side, making her seem languid. Jonas was spirited as he bade farewell to us. Wilber stared at Enola's departing back, but he soon walked back inside the blacksmith shop. His father had already started stoking the fire, unaffected by the parting.

As for us, our group of three headed towards the south gate to leave this town for Mileston.


Author's Note: This won't be the last time we see Enola.  

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