Septimus' Mortal Status

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Septimus's . Therefore, I knew Lord Bromwell wouldn't dare to do anything malicious towards Lord Crohn.

We continued to hand out food, while Septimus was gone. It took us until nightfall before every single inhabitant had their first meal. By then, we had to serve up a second serving for the evening meal. In between meals, the people would return to their fields to toil away. If they didn't work the land, the town guards would whip them.

Watching the children wolf down the meal made me feel ashamed I couldn't' do more for them. Then a thought struck me. Peasants lived by the land. They weren't obligated to stay and farm the land in Salsburg if they had a new haven they could go to.

The gears in my head began to turn. I naughtily thought to myself, Septimus will be in a for a surprise when he returns.

When Septimus returned with his men, from Bromwell's castle, he was shining like a dazzling star. The prayers of the Salsburg inhabitants had made him this way. Feeling refreshed, I began to lay my trap for him.

"It's a pity," said I, "that these people won't pray to you again once the food stops being distributed."

"Septimus' shining eyes dulled. "Exactly right," he expressed.

"You know Lord Crohn, if these people had a place they could go, a land where they could farm and fill their bellies, why I believe they would wholeheartedly worship any deity they were told to worship."

Lord Crohn rubbed his chin. "You have a point. Yet, how do we convince them to leave their native land. You know their families have been here for ages. It wouldn't be easy for them to just pack up and leave."

"If you provide the land, I'll use my reasoning to convince the people."

I promised the people free homes, free healthcare and a free education for their children. By providing these services, the people were soon won over. They initially stayed in Salsburg because it was the land of their ancestors. However, under the Bromwell family's cruelty, which left them with nary a decent way to survive, the people had already turned their hearts. However, this "push" still wasn't enough to convince them to leave. If so, they wouldn't still be here.

They needed a "pull," something that would entice them to leave. The thing the people of Salsburg feared most was not having a home or a way to earn a living. Once all that was taken care of, they would be foolish not to leave.

It can be said that everyone has their own weakness. Septimus, the people of Salsburg, and even myself, we all had our own desires, which could be easily used against us.

Of course, there were people who chose not to leave. The miasma had affected them greatly, making them believe the offer was too good to be true.

Raine also did not wish to return to Lakeburg, but I promised her the stay would be temporary. I had explained my plan to Septimus. I placed all my focus on taking away the farmers, to reduce the rations going to the king's troops. Without the farmers, where would the Bromwell family find enough workers to replace them? Then, slowly, the Bromwell family would fall, under the king's ire. And as past experiences has shown, the king removes all those who are not useful to him.

Eventually, his troops will weaken and we will make our way to storm the capital. Our mutiny to overthrow this false king and place another royal on the throne.

On an appointed day, after properly organizing the people of Salsburg, we ferried the passengers up the river and towards Lakeburg.

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