Cellar of Gems

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I reached out my arms and began to feel around me. Eventually, I realized I was in an enclosed space, perhaps a room of some sort. It wasn't very big. There was also a ladder. I slowly and carefully climbed up the ladder and overhead I felt a trapdoor. This must be where they entered.

"Midas?" I called out. Perhaps she didn't hear me? I called out a few more times.

Then, when I thought she was lost again, she appeared hovering in front of me.

"Sorry for the wait," she said, "I was with Raine."

"Is he safe?" I asked, my voice reeking with concern.

"Oh, he's fine. They are all fine. Garlan and Bacchanal took care of those bandits. And some of the bandits retreated."

"Do you know what the bandits plan to do with me?"

She thought pensively for a moment before stating, "Maybe they plan to ransom you for the gold."

I thought this might be the case. Afterall, I had taken so much gold from them. It might even be considered their entire lifetime fortune.

Despite not knowing my future, I still had Midas with me. Only, how were we to escape from this place?

Suddenly, the cellar trapdoor open. A bandit's head poked in.

"Boy, you've had a long time to think things through. Now tell us where you put our gold?"

Obviously, the remainder of the gold Midas could not accept was safely kept in her storage space.

I lied and said, "If you take me to my comrades, I'll give you all the gold."

"Eh," the bandit answered, "Do you take me for a fool? When you get out, you'll probably try and escape. It's best if we keep you here until you decide to loosen your lips."

Then the bandit shut the trapdoor with a loud "dang."

Midas suddenly bellowed, "Treasure detected."

What? Really? Just when I thought things were looking bleak and hopeless, Midas' words became a ray of sunshine from behind the clouds.

I followed Midas' instructions and found a spot to begin digging. It was difficult to dig as the soil here was a dense clay. However, with my full effort, I soon held a large porcelain container in my hands.

I pried open the lid, which had been stuck from long disuse. To my surprise, I found a hidden cache of jewels. If we were in the daylight, these jewels would sparkle and shine like the stars.

Quickly, I asked Midas, "Can you accept these jewels?"

"I can," she replied and cleaned out the porcelain container.

I wondered if some poor soul, a hostage like myself, had hidden this porcelain container here to keep it out of the bandits' hands. However, I will never find out the truth.

After accepting all those jewels, Midas' tradeshop unlocked several new items. These items were incredible!

Astonished, my mouth fell agape. The bandits had kidnapped and locked me in this cellar. How would they know in doing so, they had delivered a fortune to me.

I happily jumped for joy. I was saved!

In the tradeshop, there were several weapons: a large knife, a gleaming long sword, a rapier and many more items. In the end, I chose the long sword as it was durable and extended the length of my reach. There was also a torch and a shovel.

Well, I suppose I will have to dig my way out. I ate a hearty meal, then began to work. Under Midas' guidance, I dug a small tunnel. As we neared the surface, I could feel my heart palpitating with joy.

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