Feeding the Masses

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I spent an awkward restless night, in the same room with Raine. I slept on the floor, while she on the bed.

Unable to sleep, my thoughts drifted onto important matters. Throughout the night, my addled mind was fully focused on finding a way to feed the people of Salsburg and perhaps figure out a way to dispel the miasma. I knew it could not be done quickly, rather it would take planning and perhaps years of hard work to achieve this goal.

Since Raine stubbornly refused to return with Septimus. There was nothing he could do to change her mind. In the end, he insisted on joining our party, as he did not believe in Midas' abilities.

He simply said, "If not for her one moment of inattention in the past, would we all be here now?"

This left Midas fuming and Raine giggling. As for me, I just held my head in my hands, knowing the rest of my journey on this earth would be filled with restless, endless bickering between these two immortals.

Both Garlan and Bacchanal woke up with headaches. They spent most of the day in bed. As for me, I discussed how to feed the masses with Septimus and Midas. Septimus, although he seemed to be someone who only looked out for himself, was quite easy to convince, if you struck his interest. Ever since the decline of the Klein family, he had no worshippers. Therefore, I proposed for him to aid me in distributing rations to the inhabitants of Salsburg, in the name of deity Septimus. With this charity, we could hope to convert some of the people of Salsburg into followers. Upon hearing my plan, Septimus was a bit reluctant at first, but when I said, those who came to eat would all have to pray before they could dine, Septimus widened the grin on his face and said, "I'm completely on board with this plan."

Septimus had come to Salsburg on a giant ship. It was manned by his own people from Lakeburg. Under cover of night, all I had to do was take food out of the tradeshop and fill up the ship's hull. As to how Septimus explained the appearance of so many rations was not my problem. But knowing Septimus, I was sure he had his own method to cleanly deal with the situation.

Then Septimus began to distribute the food. The people flocked to us like moths to a flame. I believe the entirety of Salsburg showed up that day. The children who were once hidden appeared, happily munching on their sandwiches.

All went as planned and after the prayers, I saw that Septimus appeared much more powerful. The aura of light surrounding him grew thicker. His aura dispelled the miasma, causing it to dissipate. No wonder Midas said she could not dispel the miasma. Unlike gods and deities, Midas did not have the ability to grow more powerful through worship.

So, this is the power of prayer? No wonder Septimus was so enthusiastic about going along with my plan. With the people's faith, Septimus was able to grow stronger. At a glance, this might not seem like much, but for a deity, this was their livelihood. Imagine what happens to deities who no longer had followers. Would they all just shrivel up, yet unable to die? And to be in that state for all eternity. It seemed a rather gruesome fate, worse than dying.

Our charitable work did not go unnoticed. Not long after the food distribution, a courier arrived inviting us to Lord Cromwell's castle. However, the only person who went with them was Septimus.

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