K&J or K&A

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After the reunion was over Kelly and Ashley headed home. Neither of them talked the whole way home. Kelly being lost in his thoughts about Jessica.

Ashley lost in her own thoughts wondering if she had missed all the signs. Were Kelly and her really meant to be? Kelly parked the car next to the curb and the two of them headed inside.

Kelly went straight for the fridge and pulled out a beer. "You want one?" When Ashley didn't respond Kelly turned around to look at her.

Ashley was standing there playing with her ring. It felt so wrong now. "Why would you give me the same ring?" Ashley was hoping maybe it was a family ring. Then maybe she could understand.

Kelly closed the fridge door and opened his beer. He took a drink before responding to her question. "I don't know. Just felt right."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Why did you still have it after all this time? Why didn't you return it when you two broke up?" Ashley was trying to fight back her tears and her anger.

"I just couldn't. I tried many times to get rid of it but I could never go through with it. And then time happened and I met you. When I was ready to purpose, the ring was just there. I didn't see no harm in it." Kelly took another drink.

"Just like how you won't get rid of that tattoo?" Ashley wasn't holding back anymore. She needed answers.

"Ashley please?"

"No Kelly! Anything that has to do with her you can't let go. I tired to brush it off but then seeing you two tonight made everything so much clear."

"Besides the tattoo and the ring what else have I held onto?"

"Oh let's see. There's the picture from your prom. I found a necklace with the letters K&J in a heart. And I'm pretty sure I found a box of her old clothes hidden in the back of the closet."

Kelly just stood there. He hadn't realized everything that he had kept or that Ashley had found any of it. Ashley slipped off her ring and put it on the counter. "Ashley."

"I'm going to my sisters Kelly. We need some space." Ashley headed to their room and grabbed a few things and then left. The two of them not saying another word.

Kelly stood in the kitchen of their very quiet apartment. Wondering if all of this was happening for a reason. Wondering if he hadn't truly let Jessica go.

Kelly finished his beer but couldn't take the silence. He grabbed his jacket, phone, and car keys. He headed to Matt's. Needing another guy to talk too. Someone who may understand.

Kelly knocked on Matt's door. It took a moment but the door soon came open and Matt was standing there.


"Hey can I come in?" Kelly looked so sad and lost.

"Sure man. Come on in." Matt stepped aside to let Kelly enter.

Kelly walked into Matt and Gabby's place. Matt went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple beers. He handed one to Kelly and they both took a seat in the living room.

"What's up man?"

Kelly opened his beer and took a drink. "Ashley left."

"Like done left or went to cool down left?" Matt opened his own beer and took a drink.

"I'm not sure. But she left the ring."

"Well can you blame her?" Matt wasn't trying to be mean but with the events of the night he would of been more surprised if she stayed.

"No I guess not." Kelly fell back into the couch cushions. Drinking his beer. "I don't know how to feel about her leaving."

"That is something you will have decide on your own. But don't just choose Ashley because Jessica leaves again. Ashley doesn't deserve that."

"You know Matt I came over here for a pep talk. Not for you to make me feel worse about all of this."

"Look Kelly. You are one of my best friends. I have watched you torture yourself for the last 10 years since Jessica left. I can't sit here and watch it for another 10 years. So either go after her or let her go and truly move on."

The two men sat in silence and drank their beers. Kelly was taking in everything  Matt had just said to him. Kelly was getting ready to speak when Matt's phone rang.

Kelly was listening to Matt's side of the conversation. It didn't take a genius for anyone to figure out Matt was talking to April about Jessica. Matt hung up with April and he was looking truly worried.

"Is Jess okay?"

Matt rubbed his face with both his hands and sighed. "April is afraid she is going to self destruct."


"She's at the cabin and drunk. April tried talking to her but she wouldn't listen. She says Jessica is punishing herself for something but won't tell her what."

Kelly was becoming more concerned about Jessica. He remembers something about her changing after Jack and Isabella died. "Is April still with her?"

"No she left. Jessica wasn't listening to her."

Kelly stood up from the couch. "So she left Jessica drunk and alone at the cabin?"

"Kelly she didn't know what else to do." Kelly started to make his way towards the door. "Kelly where are you going?"

"To make sure Jessica is safe." Kelly stormed out of Matts, slamming the door behind him.

Matt decided to head to bed but making sure he kept his phone volume up just in case.

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