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Erin and Matt had been gone about 20 minutes. Kelly and Jessica were laying in her hospital bed together hoping this nightmare would soon be over.

There's a knocked at Jessica's door and Will is back. But he only has his tablet with him. Jessica looks at him curiously. He said he would bring her results and discharge papers.

She sees another doctor enter the room and it's Dr. Manning. Now Jess is even more confused.

"Will what's going on?" Jessica kept looked from Will to Dr. Manning.

They both walk closer. Kelly and Jessica were studying their movements very carefully. Dr. Manning sense Dr. Halstead uneasiness about the situation. He was trying to hold it together. "Jess we some news."

Jessica looked to Will to see the tears forming in his eyes.  She knows it can't be good. "What is it?"

Dr. Manning takes a step closer. "There is no easy way to say this." Jessica's heart broke at the sound of a saying she had used so many times to break some terrible news. "You blood test results show you have Leukemia." Jessica can't speak everything.

The room is silent until Kelly speaks up.

"Will she be okay?"

Dr. Manning looked to Kelly. "Depends on how sever it is. We need more test results to see what our course of action would be. We hope we caught it in time but we do not know yet."

Will steps forward tears falling down his face. "There's something else you need to know Jess." Jessica looks at Will feeling as if her whole world was crumbling down around her. "You're... you're pregnant."

There it was the final blow to her heart. How could this be happening? Why can't life just be happy. Kelly was holding onto Jessica tight and not wanting to let go of her.

"So my choices are don't do treatment and have a baby, probably die. Or get treatment and lose the baby?" Will and Dr. Manning both nod their heads. This wasn't supposed to be happening. All Jessica could think about how her and Kelly were finally getting their happy ending and now it had been ripped from them once again.

"Jess?" Kelly spoke her name softly. She looked into his blue eyes. "We can always have another baby.... I can't lose you."

"Don't be selfish Severide."

Kelly and Jessica both looked at Will. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I know how much Jessica wants to be a mom."

Kelly gets up from out of the bed and stands up. "And you don't think I don't?"

"You are basically telling her to choose her own life over the baby's! That's not fair to her!"

Kelly walked closer to Will. "I've known Jessica my whole life it feels like. I know how bad she wants to be a mom! I know this isn't easy but I don't want to lose her!"

"Well except for those 10 years she was in New York. While you were too busy sleeping with any women who looked your way!"

All Kelly could see at this point was red. Kelly cold clocks Will across the jaw. Will is caught off guard and falls to the ground.

"Guys!" Jessica try's to get them to stop but they ignore her. Will gets to his feet and charges Kelly. Slamming him into a wall. "GUYS! STOP!"

Dr. Manning gets ready to leave to go get security but then Matt and Erin enter the room. Matt immediately hands the drinks to Dr.  Manning and pulls the two men apart.

Matt is standing in front of Kelly blocking his path to Will. "You think you know her so well! You don't! We've lost a baby before! I know what this is doing to her!" Kelly is shouting at Will.

Matt and Erin were both confused on what the hell happened in the 20-30 minutes they were gone.

"If she has this baby and doesn't do treatment she dies!" Kelly was beginning to calm down. "I can't lose her not again." Kelly begins to cry and Matt just wraps him in a hug.

Matt turns his head to look at Jess while still holding Kelly. "Are you sick?"

"Leukemia." Was the only word Jessica could get out.

"And your pregnant?" Jessica just nodded her head to Matt's last question. Matt goes back to comforting Kelly.

Erin sets the food down and goes over to comfort Jessica. As soon as Erin's arms were around Jessica she caves. She begins sobbing uncontrollably into Erin.

Jessica was heartbroken. This is not what she had excepted at all. She thought she was finally getting her happy ending.

After Kelly gathers himself. He lets go of Matt and walks back over to Jess. He signals for Erin to move so he can sit with Jessica.

Erin gets out of Jessica grasp and allows Kelly to take over. As soon as Jessica's back in his arms her cries become even louder. Kelly hold on tight and placed kiss to the top of her head every so often.

Matt turns to Will. "How far along is she?"

"12 weeks."

Jessica was so busy planning the wedding she must of not even notice any early symptoms. Matt looked back to his two best friends laying in a hospital bed crying.

Matt wishes he could say this was a first time but he was there first time. Kelly got Jessica pregnant in high school and they had planned on keeping it but then something happened and they lost the baby.

Everyone stood still in the room and just listened to Jessica sob. Each cry breaking Kelly's heart even more. Knowing he couldn't take this pain away.

Dr. Manning walked over to Jessica's bed. "Jess?" Jessica tried to control her crying before looking at Dr. Manning but it was of no use. "We are going to give you a couple hours to process all of this. But then we will be back and we will need to come up with a game plan."

Jessica nods her head and then turns back into Kelly.

Dr. Manning and Will leave Jessica's room. Matt and Erin both take seats next to Jessica's bed. Completely forgetting about the food they had gone out to get. Everyone just sat and listen to Jessica cry. No one knowing what to say or if they could even say anything that might make this better...

The nightmare wasn't over.

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