Bachelor Party

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Everything was coming together. Kelly and Jessica had been engaged for a little over 9 months now. Matt had basically moved in with Kelly and Jess. Seeing as how he didn't need that big of a space since Gabby was gone.

Jessica was on her laptop picking out some final details for the reception. Matt was walking out his room looking half asleep still.

Jessica couldn't help but smirk. "Long night?"

"You could say that." Matt stumbled over to the coffee maker and began to pour himself a cup.

"So when are you doing Kelly's bachelor party?" Jessica was typing away on her laptop.

"After next shift." Matt blew on his coffee in attempt to cool it down a bit. "Why?"

"Just want to make sure I have bail money just in case."

Matt rolled his eyes. "I don't think it's going to get that crazy Jess."

Jessica finally looked up from her laptop to see Matt standing against a counter, shirtless. "If it doesn't get crazy then I'm the next Queen of England."

Kelly had walked out of their bedroom, hair wet from his shower. "I didn't know I was marrying the next Queen of England." Kelly placed a kiss to Jessica's cheek.

"Well you know just a part of my life I forgot to tell you about." Jessica made a silly grin. Kelly laughed and then went to get himself a cup of coffee.

Matt was taking a drink of his coffee. "When's your bachelorette party?" Matt asked in a snarky tone while wiggling his eyebrows.

"You'd have to ask Brett and April. I know nothing about it or when it is." Jessica's computer kept pinging.

Kelly made Jessica a cup off coffee and then brought it over to her. "Is that Brett?" Kelly sat down her coffee cup.

"Yessss." Jessica was clearly annoyed. "Every time I think all the wedding planning is done Brett sends me something else I need to approve, decide between, or pay for." Jessica was looking at the new set of things Brett had sent her.

"Do I even want to know how much this wedding is costing us?"

"Probably not. Ignorance is bliss in this situation. Believe me I wish I didn't know." Jessica was scrolling through pictures of chairs for the reception hall. "Like how many different styles of chairs can there possibly be."

Kelly began to rub his hands up and down Jessica's shoulders. "Everything will be perfect Jess no matter what chairs you pick." Kelly placed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Thanks Babe."

"Always." Kelly finished his coffee. "Casey want to hit the gym this morning?"

"Sure. I've got nothing else to do today."

"You boys have fun. I'm gonna end up opening a bottle of wine at this rate and it's not even 10am."

Matt and Kelly both laughed. They went to change and headed to the gym.


After Next Shift

Jessica and Kelly were curled up on the couch together watching a movie. Casey came walking out of his room dressed for a night out with the guys.

"You ready Severide?" Casey was putting his watch on.

"Yeah just waiting on everyone else to get here." Kelly tightened his grip around Jessica. He didn't really want to go out but he knew the guys would be disappointed. After all the famous Kelly Severide was finally settling down.

There was a knock on the door. Casey went and opened it. In walked Cruz, Capp, Tony, Otis, Mouch, and Hermann. "Perfect timing guys."

"So Casey what's the plan for tonight? Strip clubs? Drinking till we blackout? cause chaos through out chicago?" Otis looked like a kid in a candy store ready for whatever the night entailed.

Kelly laid his head back on the couch and groaned. He was hoping tonight wouldn't get to crazy. Jessica snickered. She knew Kelly was dreading this. He had kept trying to find ways out of it, seeing as how half the group is single.

"Come on Severide time to go."

"Alright." Jessica got up so Kelly could get to his feet. He then gave her a hug and they shared a sweet kiss. "See you later."

"See you later."  Kelly let go of Jessica. Jessica started eyeing the group. "Bring him back in one piece or else."

"Don't worry Jess. He's in good hands." Casey walked over and clapped Kelly on the shoulders.

Jessica pointed a finger at Matt. "Remember Matthew Casey I know where you sleep."

"He'll be back in one piece. I promise."

"Alright have fun."

The guys said their goodbyes and left. When the door closed Jessica felt the silence set in. Jessica grabbed a beer and then sat back down on the couch. She made sure her phone volume was up on loud and then she turned on another movie.

Jessica barely finished that one beer before she was fast asleep on the couch.

Jessica was woken up to the sound of her phone ringing. She grabbed the phone off the table and answered it not even bothering to look to see who was calling.


"Hey princess."

It took Jessica a second to recognize the rough voice on the other end of the phone. "Uncle Hank?" Jessica was confused as to why Hank would be calling her.

"yeah it's me."

"Why are you calling me..." Jessica paused to look at the time on her phone. "at 4:00am?"

"So uh look. I have a few firefighters here at district 21 in the drunk tank."

Jessica bolted straight up off the couch. "I told those boys to not get to crazy! I'm on my way." Jessica started to feel around for her shoes. The apartment was pitch black so Jessica couldn't see anything.

"Jessica wait."

"What?" Jessica clearly annoyed and pissed off. She found her shoes and was slipping then on. She was holding the phone between her shoulder and her ear.

"Kelly isn't down there. And we don't know where he is." Hank was waiting for the explosion.

Jessica could feel the red hot rage coursing through her body. "Matthew Casey is a dead man."

"I have everyone out looking for him and none of his fellow firefighters can tell me the last place they saw him. We will find him Jess don't worry."

"He better hope you guys find him before I do. And if he is not in one piece so help me god I will need to dig 7 graves."  Jessica got up and headed for the front door.

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