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"What if he leave me because of it?" Jessica was truly scared.

"Jess, If I know Kelly Severide and how much that man loves you I doubt he will leave you. It may just take sometime for him to understand." Hank was trying to help Jessica the best he could. Hank had tried to take Jessica in when she was little but her mother wouldn't allow it. Not when her mother could use her to get drugs.

Jessica's mother had managed to outsmart all of Voight plans of getting Jessica out of that house. Eventually Erin and him both lost contact with Jessica because her mother kept her away from them.

Hank had only seen Jessica again on the night of the accident. The night Isabella and Jack had died. "Jessica you need to forgive yourself. Their deaths are not your fault."

"And how not Hank? They were my best friends! I was in the car that night with them! " Jessica had started crying. "I should of done something!"

"But we're you the one who gave you guys the weed laced with fentanyl?! No Jess you weren't. Your mother gave it to you!"

Jessica jumped when Hank shouted. "I should of still done something...I'm the one who suggest we should go drive and smoke. I was just curious. We all were."

Hank got up and walked around to the front of his desk and leaned against it right in front of Jessica. "Jess I was first on scene. You had pulled them both out of the car and tried to revive them. You did everything you could. Every teenager I've met had wanted to try some type of drug. Do not blame yourself for all this."

Jessica knew she couldn't of done anything differently. But she still beat herself up for even bringing any of her friends around her mom. She hated herself for asking her mom for the weed. "How did she get to live so long but ruin so many lives along the way?"

"If I knew the answer to that question I could rid the world of all the murders. druggies, and just bad people in general." Jessica wiped the tears from her eyes. "Go tell Kelly. Get this weight off your chest."

Jessica nodded. "Thanks Hank."

"Anytime." Jessica stood up and the two exchanged another hug just as Jessica reached for the door handle Hank spoke again.

"Jessica Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure Hank." Jessica turned back around to face Hank once again.

"Why do you still own your old childhood home?"

"I uh...Couldn't let go of all the pain. To many bad memories."

"Why not just let it go then?"

"Because I couldn't bare knowing someone else lived there. Lived in all of that pain." Hank nodded and Jessica left his office. She said goodbye to Erin and said she would stop by another time for proper introductions.

Jessica went and grabbed lunch and headed back to 51. She had to talk to Kelly and it had to be now. She was afraid she would lose the courage if she didn't tell him now.

Jessica pulled up to 51 and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw squad on the floor. Jessica got of the car and made her way up the drive. Kelly must of heard his car because he was coming down the driveway to greet her.

"Hey there princess. I didn't think you'd stop by today." Kelly got closer and placed a kiss to her cheek. Kelly could instantly since something was wrong. "Jess is everything okay?"

"Um can we talk please?"

"Sure. Follow me." Kelly led Jessica to his quarters. Kelly closed the door behind them and Jessica put the food on his desk. "What's wrong Jess?"

Jessica was standing against the wall of Kelly's office, looking down at the ground. Trying to decided how to go about this conversation.

"Jessica you can tell me anything."

Jess took a seat on Kelly's bunk. She took a deep breath and then connected eyes with Kelly. "There is something I need to tell you about the night Isabella and Jack died."

"Okay?" Kelly sat up a little straighter at the sound of their old friends names.

"It's my fault their dead."

Kelly didn't understand what Jessica meant. It was a car accident how could any of it been her fault? "Jessica what do you mean?"

Jessica was fumbling with her fingers. "Jack and Isabella were at my house that night. The night of the accident. And my mother..." Jessica had to choke back a sob. "my mother gave us some weed that come to find out was laced with fentanyl."

The report that had come out when accident first happened only mentioned Jack had lost control of the vehicle. Nothing about drugs. "I'm confused. So Jack didn't lose control of the wheel?"

"He did but because he had passed out due to the drugs."

"Jess your not responsible for your mother's actions."  The only part of Jessica's past he really knew was that her mother was a drug addict. Jessica had spent a lot of time at April's and that's how Kelly and her met.

"I was in the car Kelly!" Jessica wondered if she would ever stop crying. "I'm the one who asked her for the weed. I'm the one who suggested we go for a drive and smoke. It's my fault their dead!" Jessica held her face in hands and cried.

Kelly had no idea Jessica was in the car that night. She didn't mention it and the report never mentioned a third victim. Kelly stood up and went and took a seat next to Jessica. "You are not blame Jess. You didn't know the weed was laced. You didn't know what was going to happen."

Kelly wrapped Jessica in a hug and let her cry. "Is this why you never came back to Chicago? We're you scared for me to know the truth?" Kelly could fell Jessica nodding her head against his chest. "Princess you can tell me anything. Nothing that night was your fault. It was a series of events that you could of never known how they would play out. "

Jessica relaxed when she realized Kelly wasn't going to be mad at her. Kelly laid down on his bunk and pulled Jessica down onto his chest. He was letting her get all of her emotions out while he held onto her.

Kelly couldn't believe something like this would keep Jessica away for 10 years. Yeah he had broken her heart but she still had other friends in Chicago.

Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3 house fire.

Kelly carefully slipped out from underneath Jessica as she had fallen asleep. He pulled the blanket up over her. He placed a kiss to her forehead and headed out to the call.

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