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Kelly pulls up to his apartment and parks the car. He then notices Ashley's car sitting there. He then remembers how they left things and knew this was about to be ugly. Especially with how the reunion dinner went.


Jessica's voice broke Kelly out of his thoughts. "yeah uh... This is my apartment." Kelly got out the car and went and opened Jessica's door. Jessica got out of the car while Kelly got her bag out of the trunk.

Jessica looked up at the brown brick building.

"I know it's not as fancy as what your probably have in New York."

"It's perfect Kelly."

Kelly grabs her hand and leads her to his apartment. Kelly takes a deep breath before opening door. Kelly unlocked the apartment door and stepped inside. Jessica followed him into the apartment.

"Kelly??" Ashley had heard the door open. She came out of the bedroom and stopped in her tracks when she saw Kelly and Jessica.

"Hey Ashley." Kelly had placed himself between Ashley and Jessica afraid the two girls would go at it.

Ashley folded her arms and glared at Kelly. "I wish you would of called me."

"I'm sorry Ashley. Everything happened so fast." Kelly truly felt horrible. He didn't want to break Ashley's heart this way.

"I'll just gather my stuff and leave then." Ashley retreated back to the bedroom to pack up her clothes and personal items.

Kelly turned around to talk to Jessica. "I didn't know she was going to be here."

"It's fine Kelly. Just awkward but so will my conversation with Andrew as well." Jessica knew Andrew would of figured it out soon that she wasn't coming home but she wasn't ready to make that call just yet.

About 10 minutes later Ashley came out of the bedroom carrying her bags. "Goodbye Kelly." Ashley didn't say another word she just left the apartment the door closing behind her.

"Well that wasn't to awkward."

"Yeah I guess." Jessica shifted on the couch. She knew she was going to have to call Andrew. His court case was probably over and he would be home any minute. "I'm hoping Andrew has the same reaction."

"I'm sure he will." Kelly moved closer to Jessica and placed a hand on her knee.

"What are we Kelly?" They had never really discussed it since the airport. They had kissed and she agreed not to get on the plane but what did all of that mean?

Kelly sat up a bit straighter trying to figure out how to answer the question. He knew he wanted to be with her forever but where did they start? The beginning? Should they live separate for a while?

Jessica's phone started ringing breaking Kelly's thoughts. Jessica pick up her phone to see Andrews name with a heart next to it. Her face became sad as she knew what she was about to say would break Andrews heart. Jessica took a deep breath and then answered the phone. "Hey Andrew."

"Where are you Jess? I got home and you weren't here. " Jessica could hear the angry and sadness in Andrews voice.

"Andrew I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave Chicago just yet. "

"I knew you had some unresolved feelings for Severide but I didn't think you would stay."

"I'm sorry Andrew. I need this." Jessica was trying to not cry because she could tell how hurt Andrew was.

"So the last 10 years means nothing?"

"Andrew please."

"No Jessica! Not in a million years did I think you wouldn't come home. If I would of known I wouldn't of left the night of the reunion." The anger was growing in Andrews voice.

"Andrew our relationship was stuck. We could never pin down a date for our wedding!" Jessica had quit trying to fight the tears back, she just let herself cry.

"Our relationship was stuck because you were hung up on your high school boyfriend!"


Jessica was cutoff by Andrew yelling into the phone. "This isn't over Jessica. I am not giving up on us."

Andrew hung up the phone. Jessica stared at the screen. She was scared of Andrews last statement. She didn't think he would do anything but then again maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought.

"Jess?" Kelly was able to hear the conversation Jessica and Andrew were having.

"I'm fine Kelly." Jessica held her face in hands and was crying. Kelly didn't pry. He moved close to her and wrapped her in a hug and let her cry.

Once Jessica had stopped crying she pulled slightly away from Kelly. They both looked into each other's eyes. Jessica licked her lips. Kelly's eyes darted down to her lips and then back up to her eyes.

Jessica moved just slightly closer and Kelly closed the gap between their lips. They engaged in an intense make out session. Kelly nibbled at Jessica's bottom lip. She obliged and parted her lip. Kelly slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Deepening the kiss.

One of Kelly's hands soon found its way into her hair. Where his fingers became tangled with her hair. Jessica took this moment and climbed onto Kelly's lap. Kelly's other hand rested on her hip.

Jessica slipped her hands underneath Kelly's shirt. Her fingers running over his muscles. Kelly soon broke the kiss because he knew where this was headed. He didn't want her to regret this later.


"hmm." Jessica had moved her mouth to nibbling on his ear.

"Are you sure about this?"

Jessica moved from Kelly's ear and looked him in the eyes. They could both see the lust in each other. They both wanted each other. It all felt so right.

But something in the pit of Jessica's stomach told her this was a bad idea. At least right now. "Maybe we should stop." Jessica climbed off of Kelly's lap and took her original seat on the couch.

"Jess believe me I want to but I want to make sure this is what you want too."

"You've always been such a gentleman Kelly Severide."

Jessica rested her head on Kelly's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her and pull her close. He then turned on the tv. Neither of them was watching whatever was playing because they both were lost in thought. Trying to figure out what happens next.

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