For Sale

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Jessica was standing on the sidewalk looking up at her childhood home. They had finally finished cleaning out all the junk. It took them a month to get everything cleaned out when they weren't working.

Kelly was placing the for sale sign in the front yard. After the sign was in the ground Kelly walked back to Jess and turned to face the house. "I'm so proud of you Jess." Kelly draped one of his arms around her shoulders.

"Thank You Kelly. I couldn't of done it without you."

Kelly gave her a squeeze and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "Let's go home."

Kelly and Jessica got into Kelly's car and drove back to their apartment. They headed inside just chatting about the wedding.

As they closed the door they noticed Casey was sitting at the island drinking a beer. Jessica and Kelly exchanged a look.

"Matt?" Jessica set her purse down and walked over to him.

Matt didn't speak he just slid over an envelope. Jessica took it and opened. There in big bold letters read DIVORCE DECREE. Jessica read further down and saw Matt and Gabby's names.

Jessica sat the paperwork down and took a seat next to Matt. "What happened Matt?"

"Gabby is leaving Chicago. Puerto Rico needs help and Gabby took the offer. We've been fighting about it for a few weeks now. She handed me this and then walked out." Matt was playing with the label on his empty beer bottle.

Kelly walked to the fridge and grabbed another beer and handed it to Matt. "Man I'm so sorry."

"Thanks." Matt took the beer, opened it and started drinking.

Jessica placed one of her hands on Matt's arm. "Is this a forever thing?"

"By the sounds of it yeah. She doesn't plan on coming back ever."

"We had no idea."

"I didn't want to rain on your guys parade. You both were finally happy." Matt was picking at the new label.

"Matthew Casey. If there is something wrong you can talk to us. Your our best friend. You have always been there for us when we needed you. Now it's our turn to return the favor."

"Thanks Jess."

"Anytime. Now I need to go run an errand. I'll see you guys later." Jessica hugged Matt and kissed Kelly before leaving the apartment.

"She had that look in her eyes."

"What are you talking about Kelly?"

"We already ran all of our errands. Dawson better hope she's on that plane before Jessica gets to her." Kelly couldn't help but smirk.


Jessica had parked her car in short term parking and headed inside the airport. She found the gate for the Puerto Rico flight and began looking for Dawson.

It didn't take long to find her. She was staring out a window looking at the planes. Jessica walked right over to her.

"Really Gabby? Divorce papers?"

Gabby was caught off guard. "Jess what are you doing here?"

"Matt was at our apartment when we got home. He showed us the paperwork."

"I don't want to do this Jess."

"Well that's just to damn bad because we are doing this. So your just going to up and leave? Forget Matt. Forget helping me with my wedding?"

"They need my help."

"Doesn't mean you need to stay there for ever! Doesn't mean you need to throw away your marriage! Matt loves you and he needs you."

"He's got you. He'll be fine."

"Really Gabby?! This is bullshit and you know it."

A voice came over the loud speaker. "Now boarding flight 817 to Puerto Rico."

"Gabby do not get on that plane."

"I have too Jess. Matt will be fine and Brett will help you with your wedding. It'll all be okay."  Gabby was getting ready to head towards the gate.

"I have never seen Matt happier than I have when he is with you."

"I'm sorry Jess. I have to go." Gabby went and boarded her plane.

Jessica watch Gabby board and then waited for the plane to take off. She was hoping Gabby would change her mind. But she didn't.

Jessica headed back to check on Matt. When she walked into the apartment Kelly had broke out the whisky.

"Hey guys." Jessica sat her stuff down.

"Hey Jess. Get your errands done?"

"Yeah. Didn't go like how I planned but oh well." Jessica went and grabbed a beer for herself. "So what's the plan tonight?"

"Figured we'd stay in and watch movies? Maybe order a pizza?"

"Do we have enough beer and liquor for that?" Jessica was getting in her phone to order the pizzas.

"Yeah Matt and I ran out while you were running your errands."

"Perfect." Jessica ordered the pizzas and then they headed to the living room.

Kelly took a seat in the recliner. Jess and Casey were sitting in the couch. Kelly flipped through their movies and the stopped on suicide squad.

Everyone agreed. They all had a goodnight and enjoyed each other's company. At some point Matt had laid his head down on Jessica's lap.

Kelly didn't care. He knew Matt was deeply hurt and just needed a friend. Jessica was playing with Matt's hair trying to comfort him the best she could.

The movie had ended and Matt was asleep. Jessica wiggled her way of the couch without disturbing Matt. Her and Kelly then headed to bed.

"So how did things go with Gabby at the airport?" Kelly was laying on his side so Him and Jess could face each other.

"Shitty. She didn't care about what she was leaving behind. She just wanted to go to Puerto Rico."

"I'm sorry Jess. I know you two were becoming close."

"I'll be alright. It's Matt I'm worried about. I haven't seen him this upset since all the drama with his parents."

"We just gotta be there for him. It's Matt he'll get through it."

"I hope so Kelly."

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