Bachelorette Party

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Kelly and Matt were sitting on the couch watching the game. Jessica was supposed to be going out with the girls that night for her bachelorette party. Sylvie and Jessica had been in her and Kelly's bedroom getting ready for over an hour.

There was a knock at the door. Severide got up and answered it. Erin and April were standing in the doorway. "Hey girls." Kelly stepped aside to allow them to enter.

"Such a gentleman." Both girls cross of the threshold and Kelly closed the door.

"Jess and Sylvie are in the bedroom. They've been in there for over an hour."

"We got this." Erin patted Kelly on the shoulder. Truth be told Kelly was happy Erin was going in there and not him. He can only imagine all the clothes, shoes, and makeup everywhere.

Erin and April head towards the bedroom and softly knock. Sylvie opened the door just slightly and peaked her head out. "5 more minutes and we will be ready." Brett then closed the door.

Erin and April head back to the living room and took a seat with the guys. Kelly raised an eyebrow at the girls. "Wouldn't let you guys in either?"

"Brett said they would be done in 5 minutes."

Matt snickered. "In Brett language that's more like 10 minutes. Do you know how many things she's been late too?"

Before anyone could respond they heard the bedroom door open and the sound of heels clicking against the floor. Kelly turns around so he can see Jess. His mouth falls open.

There she was his bride to be. In a formfitting white dress, that stopped mid thigh. She paired it with some white heels. 

Erin happen to be near Kelly when he was drooling all over Jessica. Erin put a finger under Kelly's chin and pushed up. "Close your mouth Kelly. Your drooling."

Kelly immediately looked over at Erin and gave her a death glare. The rest of the group was laughing. Kelly gets up from his spot on the couch and walked over to Jessica, placing his hands on her hips. "You look amazing." Even though Jessica had a bunch of makeup on, Kelly could still see that she was blushing.

The world had felt like it melted around them. Kelly looking into Jessica's eyes and Jessica looking into Kelly's. Both of them wondering how they finally got to this spot. A spot in life where they were both truly happy.

Kelly leaned over to capture Jessica's lips with his. Her hands instantly went behind Kelly's neck. This kiss was different than the usual passionate make out kisses they usually shared. Instead it was a sweet tender kiss.

They broke away from the kiss and looked back into each other's eyes. Her hands remaining around his neck and Kelly's resting on her hips. Kelly had a little bit of red lipstick on his lips. Jessica smiled and then moved one of her hands to Kelly's lips and wiped away lipstick. Making them both laugh.

Someone clearing their throat brought the two back to reality. Jessica and Kelly both looked over at Matt who had cleared his throat. This earned a smack on the stomach from Brett's clutch. "Ow." Casey rested his right hand on the spot she had hit.

"Oh that didn't hurt." Brett took a few steps forward. "But we should get going Jess."

"Alright alright let's go." Jessica turned back to Kelly and placed another kiss on his lips. "See you later."

Kelly got this devilish grin on his face "Maybe later is now unless Brett gets you out of her quickly before that dress hits the floor." Kelly had wrapped an arm around Jessica's waist and pulled her against him. Jessica let out a little yelp.

The rest of the girls were saying things like we didn't need to hear that, and let's go. Brett grabbed Jessica by the arm and pulled her out of the apartment.

Once the girls were gone and the door was closed, Matt and Kelly went back to watching the game. After the game had ended Kelly headed to bed, leaving a sleeping Matt on the sofa.

Kelly kept in constant contact with Jessica through texts while she was out. But around midnight Kelly tapped out. He couldn't stay awake any longer so he texted Jessica goodnight I Love You, be safe and laid his phone.


Jessica was pretty hammered when Kelly's goodnight text came in. She quickly responded and placed her phone back in her clutch. When she turned around April was standing there with another shot in her hand.

"April you are going to be give me alcohol poisoning." Jessica didn't really want any more alcohol, hell she had had enough over an hour ago.

April shoved the shot towards Jessica. "Well it's a good thing your a doctor and I'm a nurse. Now drink." Jessica reluctantly took the shot from April. She tilted he head back and slammed the shot.

"Where's everyone else at?" Jessica was looking around for her group of girls.

"On the dance floor. So let's go." April grabbed Jessica's hand pulled her out onto the dance floor. Jessica was ready to go home, to say the least. But she went with April to the dance floor and found all the girls.


The night had been wonderful but now it was last call and time to head home. The girls stumbled there way out of the club and onto the sidewalk. It was a bit crowded since everyone was leaving. They made there way to the party bus that Erin had rented. Seeing as how she was a cop and couldn't consciously let everyone drive.

As they got closer Jessica looked down the sidewalk a bit. Her stomach turned. "Shit."

Everyone had stopped to see who Jessica was looking at. A few of the girls had no clue who this person was but the few that did were trying to get Jessica on the bus fast.

But it was too late. Ashley had spotted Jessica and began to walk in their direction. Erin and April both exchanged a look.

"Jessica is that you?" Ashley walked a bit closer. "It is you!" Clearly she was drunk.

"Hi Ashley."

"Where's..." Ashley began but then she started to take in Jessica's attire and the group of girls behind her. "So your marrying Kelly?"

"Yeah I am. Not that is any of your business." Jessica folded her arms across her chest.

"Sorry to cut this short Ashley but we need to get going." April was trying to get Jessica on the bus.

"Just remember I was you once! But then you had to come back to Chicago and rip Kelly out from under me! Don't think he won't do it to you too!"

Well that was it for Jessica. She got out of April's grasps and turned around towards Ashley. Jessica didn't even say anything. She just punched Ashley right in the face.

Ashley was caught off guard by the blow Jessica had just delivered to her face. She regained her composure and rounded on Jessica next. Hitting her in the cheek.

The next thing everyone knew the two girls were fighting. April, Erin, and Dawson tried to pull the girls apart but it was almost impossible.

This was not how they wanted to return Jessica to Kelly. Beat up and bloody. He was going to kill them.

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