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Kelly sped to the airport trying to stop Jessica from leaving. He didn't want to let her go again. He was going to fight this time.

Kelly parked his car and then dashed inside. He found the board with all the flights and began looking for the one that said New York. He found it T3 gate H2. Kelly took off in the direction of the terminal hoping he would catch the plane in time. He would buy a flight if he needed too.

Kelly got close to the gate and began looking around for Jessica. The flight to New York had begun to board. Kelly was looking more and more frantic. A flight attendant walked over to him.

"Sir is there something I can help you with?"

Kelly turned around to see the women who was speaking to him. "Yes I'm looking for my girl. "

The flight attendant smiled. The way the guy said "my girl" sent her heart fluttering. "What is her name?"

"Jessica Holbrook."

"Alright give me a moment." The flight attendant headed back to her desk trying to see if Jessica was already on the plane.

Kelly was trying to stand still and keep his nerves in check. Praying he was doing the right thing.


Kelly turned around as quickly as he could. He came to face Jessica. The girl who had stolen his heart. The girl that made everything feel so right. "Jess."

Jessica stood her bag up and placed her hand on the handle. "What are you doing here Kelly?" Jessica was fighting every urge in her body to run towards him. Jessica could see her flight was boarding just behind Kelly.

"Stay. " It was the only word Kelly managed to get out.

Jessica sighed. It was all she wanted to do but she knew she couldn't. "Kel we've been over this."

"Jessica I don't care. All I want is you. All I want is my girl back. It's always been you Jess and it always will be."

It was as if a switch had been flipped in Jessica's brain. Why had she been fighting this so much? This was all she ever wanted. All she wanted was to be back in Kelly's arms. Andrew would have to understand. She couldn't marry him when she is clearly in love with someone else.

"Look I know this is crazy..." Jessica had walked right over to Kelly and placed her lips on his before he could keep talking.

Their lips parted for just a second. Both of them trying to catch their breath. "Just shit up and kiss me Severide." Kelly got this devilish grin and connected their lips once again.

The flight attendants were looking at the couple as everything played out. The love these two had for each other was radiating off them like a flashy Las Vegas sign. They knew there was no way Jessica was getting on the flight so they closed the doors.

The couple part their lips once again. Kelly grabbed her bag. "Come on let's go." Jessica didn't protest or even ask where they were going. Kelly wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her bag with the other.

Jessica felt like a goofy teenager once again. All she wanted to do was to run away with this man and forget the rest of the word. But somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she would have to call Andrew. She knew their choices would have consequences and eventually they would have to face them.

Jessica was going to have to finally face her deepest fears of Chicago. She would have to come clean about somethings eventually but right now, she just wanted to enjoy being near Kelly Severide again.

Kelly led her out to his car. He placed her bag in the trunk and opened the passenger door to allow Jessica to climb in. He closed her door and then went and got in the drivers seat.

"You always loved your cars."

Kelly closed the drivers door. "Yes I do. But not as much as I love you princess." Kelly started the car and the mustang came roaring to life. Kelly then drove them out of the airport parking garage.

Jessica a bit shocked by what Kelly had said. It was something he use to say when they were teenagers. He use to always call her princess even when they were little.

Kelly drove to his apartment smiling. He finally had Jessica back. He wasn't going to let her go. Not again. They should of been married and had kids together by now. Kelly would do anything to keep this girl next to him for the rest of his life.

Kelly took Jessica's hand and brought it up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. The gesture brought a smile to Jessica's face.

For once Jessica had no idea where her life was going to go. She had no idea what was going to happen next. But she didn't care. She knew whatever it was she could face it as long as Kelly was by her side.

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