Kiss Her

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When Kelly walked out of Casey's he headed straight for the cabin. He needed to check on Jessica and see how she was doing.

Kelly was going up the drive when his headlights came across her car.  Kelly pulled up next to it and parked. His door creaked as he opened the door to get out.

Kelly could see Jessica was curled up on the hood of the car. He quietly walked over to her. He didn't want to spook her. As he got closer he realized she was asleep or passed out drunk.

Kelly carefully moved the whisky bottle away and sat it against the windshield of her car. Kelly then shook her gently trying to wake up her up. When she didn't move Kelly shook her a little harder.

"What??" Jessica was annoyed that she had been woken up.

"Jess you should probably go inside the cabin if you are going to sleep. It's still cold at night." Kelly still had a hand placed on her shoulder while he stood on the side of the car.

Jessica opened her eyes to see Kelly standing there. She felt her heart flutter a little. He still had the most amazing smile and eyes. "Kelly? What time is it?"

"Sometime after midnight." Kelly removed his hand from her shoulder.

Jessica rubbed her eyes and sat up on the hood of her car. "How did you know I was out here?"

"April called Matt and I happen to be sitting right there when she called."

"Oh." Jessica grabbed her phone and realized it was dead. "Shit.Well thanks for waking me up. I should probably head back to the city." Jessica slid off the hood of the car and stumbled a bit.

Kelly caught her and helped her get more balanced. "Maybe you should just sleep here. You're too drunk to drive back to the city."

"I'm fine Kelly. no need to worry." Jessica went to try and get in her car but was soon blocked by Kelly.

"Jessica please don't drive. There is a perfectly good bed in the cabin." Kelly wouldn't let her drive no matter what. He was just hoping she would take his advise.

"I have an 11am flight and still need to pack."

"Jess you can set an alarm."


"Jess stop being so stubborn. You are not okay to drive and I am not going to let you drive. " Kelly placed himself in front of her drivers door.

Jessica looked him up and down and she knew once Kelly Severide put his mind towards something there was no changing it. Jessica sighed. "fine. You win."

"Good." Kelly led her to the cabin. He unlocked the door and the two stepped in. Kelly flipped on a light while Jessica began looking around.

She noticed the counters were covers in dust like no one had been there in ages. "When's the last time you came out here?"

"Before my dad died. I just couldn't come out here after that. To painful." The two Severide men has their differences but they were still father and son.

"I'm sorry Kelly. I didn't know."

"It's okay Jess. Don't worry about it." This silence fell over them. Neither of them knowing what to say. Jessica was stilling wearing her dress from the reunion. "Uh you can have the bedroom. I'm sure there's some of your old clothes in there for you to change into."

"Okay. Thanks Kel." Jessica made her way to the bedroom. She turned on the light but left the door open. Kelly could hear her shuffling through the closet and drawers.

"Kelly can you come here?"

Kelly walked to the bedroom and entered. "Yeah?" Jessica was standing their in her dress. She had found a tshirt and shorts and had placed them on the bed.

"Can you unzip my dress?" Jessica turned around to give Kelly access to the back of her dress.

"Sure." Kelly walked closer to her and took the zipper in between his fingers. He began to unzip her dress. As he was moving the zipper down he caught sight of her tattoo. "You still have it?" Kelly had stopped unzipping her dress so he could trace the outline of her tattoo. It was a heart with the letters KS in the middle.

"Yeah I do." Jessica didn't know why she hadn't gotten rid of it after all these years. Andrew never asked about it or made a big deal about it.

Kelly finished unzipping her dress. "I still have mine." Kelly flipped over his arm so when Jessica turned around she could see it for herself.

Jessica turned around and saw Kelly's tattoo. They had gotten them after they both turned 18 durning their senior year. Jessica soon found herself tracing Kelly's tattoo and smiling. Part of her hoping this was a sign that things weren't over between them.

The reality struck. Images of Ashley and Andrew flashed in her mind. They both had knew people. People they both cared about and love.

Jessica dropped her hand from Kelly's tattoo. The warm feeling of her tracing the tattoo being replaced by cold air in the cabin.

"Uh thanks again Kelly. But I should probably get some sleep. It's going to be an early morning."

"Uh yeah of course. I'll be in the couch if you need me." Jessica nodded her head.

Kelly left the room, closing the door behind him. Kelly went over and sat down in the couch. Fighting urge in his body telling him to go back in there and kiss her.

What Kelly didn't know was Jessica was doing the exact same thing. She was hoping he would come running back into the room. Kiss her and leave her breathless like he always did.

When Kelly didn't show, Jessica changed and then slipped into bed. Trying to catch some sleep before heading back to New York in the morning.

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