Big Day

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The day was finally here

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The day was finally here. The day Jessica becomes a Severide. Jessica was getting ready in her hotel room. Along with Erin, Brett, and April. Erin was doing Jessica's makeup.

"How you feeling Jess?" Erin asked while she putting foundation on Jessica's face.

"Happy. Nervous."

"Everything is going to be just fine. You deserve this. Kelly and you were always meant to be. You guys found your way back to one another and it's going to be perfect."

"Erin your going to make me cry." Jessica was already an emotional mess since she was 4 months pregnant. Thankfully her dress was able to be altered to fit her new bump she was getting. It wasn't noticeable yet but Jessica had gained a little weight.

The girls all finish getting ready and head to the church.


Kelly was standing in the back of the church looking in the mirror. He kept straightening his black tie. Trying to calm his nerves down.

Casey walked over and put a hand on Kelly's shoulder. "Everything is going to be just fine Kelly. This day has been meant to happen for over a decade. Jess and you will do this and be happy."

Kelly smiled at Matt's reflection in the mirror. "Thanks Matt. You have always been there for Jess and me."

"That's what a brother is for. You two have always been my family. You guys were always there if I needed something."  Kelly turned so he could face Matt.

"And we always will be there for you Matt. No matter what you need." The two men share a hug.

"Alright it's time. come on." Matt lead Kelly out into the front area of the church. Where friends and family were already taking their seats. Kelly stood at the front while Matt went and found the the rest of the bridal party.


Jessica had just finished getting into her dress when Hank showed up. He stood there watching Erin and her worry about the littlest things. It made Hank smile that they both had turned out so great. They are why he does what he does. If he can help, he will.

"You look beautiful."

Jessica heard the rough voice of her uncle Hank. She turned around and saw him leaning against the door frame. "Uncle Hank." Jessica smiled and went and hugged him.

"I just wanted to see you before you walked down that isle. I'm so proud of both of you girls. You definitely beat the odds." Both girls smile and thank Hank. "I'll see you after."

Hank went to leave. "Uncle Hank?"

Hank stopped and turned around. "Yes?"

"Will you walked me down the isle?" Jessica had been trying to get the nerves to ask Hank. She didn't know if he would since they weren't blood related.

Hank got the biggest smile that either girl had ever seen on his face. "I would be honored." Jessica smiled and hugged him.

"You were my father figure and someone who always watched out for me." Jessica was so happy. Everything was coming together.

Matt came out from the area where everyone was seated and walked over to the girls. "We ready?"

"Let's do this."

They all got in line. Erin and Matt first, Brett and Cruz second, April and Capp third, and then Jessica and Hank last. The music begins and they start heading down the isle.

Once all the bridesmaids and groomsmen where down the isle, it was Jessica and Hanks turn. They locked arms. Jessica took a deep breath and they started to walk.

Jessica looked straight at Kelly and was trying not to cry. Kelly on the other hand didn't care. She was so beautiful. He let himself shed a few tears.

Her ivory mermaid style dress fit every curve perfectly. Kelly could see the little bump that was hiding under her dress.

Hank hands Jessica off to Kelly and the ceremony begins. The pastor gives a speech and then both Kelly and Jessica had written there own vowels. Kelly went first.

"Jess you have been the light that has always brought me home. You make me smile no matter what kind of day I was having. I have been in love with you since we were teenagers. I made a mistake of letting you go but then you came back. I'll never let you go again. You are my world. I love you Jessica."

Jessica has to wipe a few tears away before she could start reading her vows.

"Kelly you have been there for me since day one. We have faced so many obstacles together and have made it through even stronger. You have always held my heart no matter where I was. My mind and heart always thought about you. I walked away once and I'm never doing that again. Kelly Severide you are my heart, my world, my other half, and my soulmate. I can't wait to spend forever with you. I love you Kelly."

The two held hands as the pastor spoke. "I now present Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Severide. You may kiss your bride." The church erupted in applause. Kelly took Jessica in his arms and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

They had finally made it. They had finally got their happy ending.

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