Knock Knock

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Kelly was leaving shift the next morning to head home. He hadn't spoken to Jessica since he stormed out of Boden's office yesterday. He just couldn't stand to see her hurt.

When he parked his car he noticed Jessica's car wasn't there. Kelly a felt a waive of panic set in. He ran upstairs to see if she had left a note or something. His heart was beating out of his chest. what if she had going to help intelligence and he wasn't there to help?

When Kelly couldn't find any note he picked up his phone and called her. praying she would answer.

To his relief she did. "Hello?"She sounded as though she was asleep.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Kelly it's 7am yes you woke me." Jessica was still bitter about yesterday and his overprotective antics. She had barely slept at all that night. Tossing and turning wondering if he would leave her because she wanted to help intelligence.

"I'm sorry. I just got worried when you weren't home."

Jessica was thinking about what Kelly had just said. He referred to his apartment as their home. She tried to relax a bit."Kelly I wanted to give you some space after yesterday."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at my childhood home."

All of the places Kelly thought she would go he never would of guessed that she went back there. The abuse she suffered in that house had almost completely ruined her but somehow Jessica had overcame it all and come out stronger on the other side.

"I'll be right there." Kelly didn't give Jessica the time to refuse. He hung up his phone and ran out the door. He needed to see her. He needed to hold her and know she was safe.

When Jessica heard the phone call end she fell back onto the bed. She was about to have a conversation with Kelly that she wasn't sure should be had without coffee. But as she had never planned to stay at the house she hadn't bought any groceries.

The drive from Kelly's apartment to Jessica's childhood home took him about 20 minutes. When he pulled into the drive he was relieved to see a patrol car sitting across the street.

Kelly got out of his car and waved to the officers so they knew he was of no threat to her. Kelly then walked up to the door that he was so familiar with. Flashes coming back of the many times he knocked on this door. Remember seeing Jessica's face light up when she saw him. They were so in love back then.

Kelly knocked on the door and waited for Jessica to answer. A few minutes passed the door was beginning to open. Kelly stepped into the house and Jessica closed the door behind them.

She then turned around but was soon pinned against the door. Kelly's lips smashed into hers. Jessica couldn't help but to wrap her arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible.

Kelly broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers both of them trying to catch their breath. "Don't ever do that again."

"I just wanted to give you your space."

"I never need space from you Jess. You are my world. You're who I want to come home too after a long shift. You're who I want to curl up in bed with and talk about our day. You're who I want to see after a tough night."

Jessica felt like her heart was going to explode with every word Kelly spoke. She felt the words slip out of her mouth before she even knew what she was saying. "I love you Kelly." She instantly looked down at the ground. When he didn't respond right away Jessica felt panic set in. Why did she say that? She was going to scare him away. It was too soon.

"I love you too Jess."

Jessica's head slowly looked up to meet Kelly's gaze. Tears had started to form in the corners of her eyes. "Really?" Jessica was trying to hold her emotions back.

Kelly captured her lips with his once more. This kiss was much gentler than the earlier one. Kelly raised his hand placed to against her cheek. Their lips parted and Kelly leaned his forehead against hers. "Always and forever baby."

Jessica couldn't contain her emotions anymore. She thought she was going to lose him again after yesterday. But now here they were less than an inch apart confessing their love for one another. Jessica laid her head on his chest and began to cry.

Kelly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I'm not going anywhere." Jessica continued to cry into Kelly's chest, gripping his shirt for dear life. Afraid that if she let go he would disappear.

Kelly picked her up and carried her upstairs to her old room. He laid her down on the bed. He stripped of his shirt, pants and shoes. They both crawled under the cover together. Kelly pulled her close to him and she laid her head on his chest. She draped one of her legs across his, closing any space that there may have been.

Jessica fell back asleep listening to Kelly's heartbeat. A sound that soothed her and washed all of her worries away.

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