Let's Do This

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Erin had taken Jessica upstairs to help her get ready for the night. Erin had brought some clothes for her to wear.Erin pulled out a strapless red top, black skinny jeans and black heels. Then there was a purse that had a camera placed in it.

Jessica was looking at herself in the mirror admiring the work Erin and her had done. "Erin?"


"You've got my back right?"

Erin walked over and put both of her hands on Jessica's shoulders. "Always."

Jessica turned around and gave Erin a hug. She was becoming extremely nervous about what they were doing but she knew she had too. For Cristina.

"Let's go." The girls made their back downstairs.

"Are we ready?"

Jessica walked over to Kelly and stood next to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placed a kiss to her temple "I've got you baby."

The rest of intelligence had arrived while Erin and Jessica were upstairs. "So remember stick to the plan. Do not change any of it." Hank looked at Kelly when he said this.

"Let's go." They all headed outside to the cars. Jessica and Kelly road in one car, Erin and Jay in theirs, AL in his own, Ruzek, hank, and mouse in the van. Atwater was already on scene.

Kelly held Jessica's hand the whole way to the bar where everything was suppose to happen. Once they arrived they headed inside and ordered a couple drinks.

Everyone else got into place.

About 30 minutes after they arrived Grant Taylor entered the bar and ordered himself a beer. He took a seat at the bar.

"Wait 10 minutes and then go."

It was the most agonizing 10 minutes of Jessica and Kelly's life. Both of them just wanting to get this over with.

Jessica's phone buzzed. This was the sign to start fighting with Kelly. They shared one last look and then it began.

"Why is Alec texting you?" Kelly was trying his best to seem pissed off.

"I don't know. He texts me every now and then!"

"He's your ex so why would he want to text you?!"

"Kelly I..."

"You're still seeing him aren't you?!" Kelly was starting to get into Jessica's face.

"Not here hun."

"Oh not here? You don't want this whole bar to know your a whore?!"

Atwater had come from behind the bar and walked over to their table. "Hey buddy it's time for you to go."

"Oh are you screwing him too?!"

"Look man I don't want to have to throw you out but you need to go!"

"Fine. Jess come on." Kelly got up from his seat and was getting ready to leave. "Are you coming or not?" Jessica didn't move from her seat. "Fine walk home. I don't care."

Kelly stormed out of the bar and made his way to the surveillance van. He opened the door and climbed in and closed it behind him.

"Nice work Kelly." Kelly sat down next to Hank to watch the monitors.

Jessica was sitting at the table alone quietly crying. Kelly felt like absolute trash for yelling at her but it was the plan.

Within 5 minutes Grant approached her. "Hey you okay?"

Jessica looked up to see who was talking to her. "I'm fine. Just boyfriend drama."

"Well your pretty cute so I can't blame you for having so many guys texting you." Jessica blushed. "Can I take a seat?"

"Sure why not."

Grant took a seat next to her at the high top. "So is this your first time here? I'm a regular and don't recognize you."

"Yeah it is. My boyfriend wanted to come here because all the other bars we always seemed to run into a guy I knew."  Jessica had finished her drink.

"You want another?"

"You buying?"

Grant chuckled. "Sure why not." Grant took her empty glass up to the bar and ordered her another one.

Atwater placed the vodka orange juice in front of grant. Who in return tossed him a $10. "Keep the change."

Grant picked up the glass and walked back over to Jessica. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." Jessica took a drink. "Will you excuse me. I need to use the bathroom."

"Of course." Jessica left the table and headed towards the bathroom. She had left her bag on the table which had a small camera in. While she was gone Grant did slip something into her drink. 

Jessica came back a few minutes later and sat back down. "Sorry about that." She took a drink from her glass.

"No worries."

Grant and Jessica made small talk until her glass was empty once more. Jessica was starting to feel the effects of the drug that he had placed in her drink.

"Hey you want to get out of here?"

Jessica looked at Grant but he was becoming blurry. "Sure."

Grant and Jessica headed out of the bar. Jessica had began to wobble so Grant had wrapped an arm around her to keep her steady.

They made their way out the front door and Grant led her to his car. Intelligence was watching intently waiting to make their move.

They didn't have to wait much longer. Grant hit Jessica over the head knocking her unconscious. He began to drag her and place her in his car.

"GO!!" Hank gave the command and intelligence moved in.

Grant had just placed Jessica in his car. He closed the door and turned around to come face to face with Erin Lindsey's gun.

"Give me a reason." Grant held up his hands in surrender.

Jay flipped Grant around and arrested him. Jay read him his rights and then escorted him to Al's car and placed him in the back.

Erin opened the car door to check on Jessica. "Jess can you hear me?" Jessica didn't respond.

As soon as Grant was in  handcuffs Kelly jumped out of the van and went running towards Jess.

"Brett Dawson we need you."

"On our way Erin."

Kelly had reached Jessica and pulled her out of the car. He sat down on the ground and pulled her onto his lap. "Jessica baby. I'm right here. You are safe." Kelly was crying. Jessica was completely still and not responding.

Kelly held onto Jessica for dear life waiting for Brett and Dawson to come take them to Chicago med.

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