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Matt and Will were sitting in Jessica's room, waiting for her to wake up. April, Maggie, and Sylvie had all gone home to get some sleep. Will was doing his charts and Matt was just watching Jessica.

A nurse came into the room and over to Will. "Dr. Halstead. Here are results of the blood test, CT, and X-rays." Will took the report from the nurse and scanned over it.

"How many times did you run these results?" Will was still looking at the report.

"Excuse me?" The nurse was a bit confused. They only ever run tests once.

Will lowered the paper and looked the nurse directly in the eye. "Did you double and triple check the results?"

"No we didn't."

"Rerun them and then rerun them for a third time." Will handed the paper back to the nurse.

"Right away Dr. Halstead." The nurse took the paper and left Jessica's hospital room. Will went back to charting.

A few minutes had passed before Matt had spoke up. "How long have you been in love with Jessica?"

Will puts his tablet down and looks at Casey. "Excuse me?" Will was a bit caught off guard.

"I don't think you would of had her results run two and three times if you weren't in love with her. And don't give me the 'because she's one of you' speech."Matt and Jessica had been friends for years and he could always tell when another guy liked her. He would always have to tell them not in a hells chance because she had Kelly.

Will sighed. He then looked at Jessica, who was still asleep and looked peaceful. "Since we were interns." Will had started to think back on the memory. "Day 1 a guy is brought in by ambulance and is not breathing. Jessica immediately takes over for the paramedics and climbs on top of the patient and takes over compression. She continues doing them all the way down to the OR. She was fearless and didn't even think twice about it." Will was smiling when he started talking about Jessica.

"That sounds like Jess. Everyone thought she was going to join the fire academy with Kelly, Darden, and I. But then she was gone."

There was a moment of silence between the two. "She always talked about Kelly. For the first year we worked together I thought her boyfriends name was Kelly. But then she introduced me to Andrew."

"You must of been confused?"

"Very. I asked her the next day at work who Kelly was... She went on to tell me their story and the whole time she has this glowing smile. That was the moment I knew I didn't stand a chance. So I made sure to be her best friend and to always look out for her."

"Sounds like you took over my roll." Will looked at Matt a bit confused. " I was never in love with her. But she is like a sister to me and I always protected her. I remember one time her and Kelly fought. I almost went and punched his lights out. But Jess stopped me. Those two have been made for each other since day one."

Both guys were smiling. The door to Jessica's hospital room came open and Kelly and Erin both stepped in. Matt stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. He was still upset with Kelly and how he handled things at the police station.

Kelly's eyes were red and puffy. "How is she doing?"

"Well she would be doing a lot better if her fiancé didn't walk out on her." Casey words sliced through Kelly's heart. He knew what he did was stupid but it was to late to take it back.

A very raspy voice started to speak. "Leave him alone Casey." Jessica began coughing. Casey grabbed the cup of water off the table and hand it to Jess. Which she  gladly took it and started to drink. She then handed it back to Matt.

Kelly walked closer to her bedside and took her hand. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of done that." Matt and Will were both watching him, waiting to see if one of them needed to knock some sense into him.

Jessica caught sight of the looks Matt and Will were giving Kelly. "You do that again Kelly and I will let these two knock some sense into you." Kelly then noticed the way Matt and Will were looking at him.

"I won't. I promise." Kelly leaned over and placed a kiss to her forehead. Jessica moved over a bit to allow Kelly too sit next to her in the hospital bed.

Once they were comfortable, Jessica looked at Will. "So when am I getting out of here? I feel fine."

"I'm just waiting for a couple test results to come back and then I can get you out of here." Will was trying to smile and trying not to dwell on what the first test results said.

Jessica felt like she sensed something was off just by the way Will was smiling. "Is every thing okay?"

"Everything is just fine." Will walked over to Jessica's side of the bed. "I promise." He placed a kiss to the top of her head.

Jessica decided to drop it. "Alright if you're sure."

"I am." Will took a few steps back. "I'll leave you guys alone and be back with your test results and discharge paperwork."

"Thanks Will."

"Anything for you Jess." Dr. Halstead left the room. Leaving Kelly, Matt, and Erin with Jessica.

Erin took Will's abandoned chair and sat down. "So Hank called me."

Jessica looked over to the girl who was basically her sister."Ought oh."

"Ashley is going to be facing some charges. Since she antagonized you it's considered self defense. She will probably get off with time served and probation but she won't be allowed anywhere near Kelly or you."

Jessica rested her head on Kelly's shoulder. "Well that's good at least. Surprised Uncle Hank isn't trying to charge her with more."

"Well he did say he would be keeping an eye on her." Jessica knew that was code for later on down the line Hank may plant something or get her brought up on more charges. But she just let it go. Uncle Hank was going to do what he wanted no matter what she said.

"You guys bring any food? I'm starving." Everyone laughed. "It was a long night and I haven't had anything to eat in hours."

"Alright Matt and I will go get all of us food." Erin stood up and gave Jessica a hug. "Be back in a bit." Matt also gave Jessica a hug and then they left to go get food.

The door closed and Jessica curled up into Kelly. Resting her head on his chest. "I love you Kelly."

Kelly wrapped an arm around her shoulder and his other one crossed over to hold her hand. "I Love you too Jess. Always and forever no matter what."

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