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Matt was asleep on the couch in Kelly and Jessica's apartment. He woke up to see it was 5am and the girls had yet to come home. Casey unlocked his phone and found Brett's contact.

He didn't bother with a text. He pressed the little phone button and it began to ring. It took a few rings but Brett did answer. "Hey Matt."

"Where are you guys?" Casey sat up on the couch rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"uh well you see.."

Matt cut her off. "Brett, what happened? Is everyone alright? Where are you? I'm coming to get you." Matt raddled off the questions not giving Brett a chance to respond.

Brett sighed, she knew this was coming but she still wasn't ready. "We are at the 21st district..."

Matt couldn't believe his ears. He started grinning thinking about throwing it back in Jessica's face that they had gotten arrested. "I'm on my way."



"You should bring Kelly too."

"Alright we will be there shortly." Matt said goodbye to his wife and then walked to Kelly's room. He knocked but of course Kelly was dead to the world.

Matt turned the door knob and pushed it open. The faint smell of makeup and perfume still in the air. Matt walked over to Kelly and began to shake him awake. "Kelly wake up."

Kelly started to groan and tried to get awake. "Casey this is one of the few nights we get to sleep all night and your waking me up. Why?" Kelly sat up in his bed, shirtless.

"Have you heard from Jess?"

Kelly picked up his phone to see if Jessica had called or texted. The only text he saw was the one telling him goodnight and that she loved him. He then noticed the time. It didn't register at first because Kelly was half asleep. "It's 5am. Where are they?"

Matt couldn't help but smile. "21st district." Kelly groaned and flopped back down onto the bed. "Come on we gotta go."

Kelly looked up at his best friend to see he was smiling "Your enjoying this way to much."

"Maybe just a little. Now get dressed and let's go."

"Alright I'm getting up."

Matt walked out of the bedroom and Kelly slipped on a CFD shirt and grey sweat pants. He shoved his phone in his pocket and headed out the door.

They arrived a short while later at the 21st. You could tell shift change was coming due too all the officers making their way into the building. Kelly parked his car and they headed inside.

They approached the desk and usually Trudy was there, but since it was still early the night officer was still there. An older white gentleman was behind the counter.

"Can I help you men?"

"Yes I need to pick up my fiancé. She may of had to much to drink last night. Jessica Holbrook." Kelly watched as the officer face came to realize who he was talking about.

"Oh yes. yes. Erin mentioned you two were on your way. Their all upstairs in the intelligence unit. I'll buzz you up."

Matt and Kelly exchanged a weird look because they were not expecting for them to be up there. Suddenly Matt had lost the happiness he was feeling on the ride to the 21st.

The two men headed for the gate and the officer buzzed them up. Kelly and Matt ran up the stairs taking two at a time. Erin must of heard the gate because she stopped them at the top of the stairs.

"Where is Jess, Erin?" Kelly wasn't in the mood for any games. He was running on 5 hours of sleep and got woken up to learn his soon to be wife was at a police station.

"First off let me just say she going to be just fine. Second..."

Kelly cut her off. "What the hell happened?" Now Kelly was worried. Kelly didn't bother waiting for Erin to respond. He stormed past her and headed towards the break room. Kelly flung the door open and his heart immediately dropped to his stomach.

When Jessica heard the door open she looked up to see a very shocked Kelly, standing there in the doorway. All of the color had drained from his face.

There she was with blood on her face, scratches on her chest, and her dress was ripped. Lord only knows where her shoes ended up. April and Sylvie were sitting with her while Maggie was cleaning up some of Jessica's wounds.

Kelly stepped further into the break room and that's when Matt was able to take in how bad  Jessica was. He immediately felt guilty for even thinking about throwing this in her face. Matt stepped aside to allow Erin back into the room.

Kelly finally got over his shocked state and rounded on Erin. "What the hell happened!?"

Erin sighed. "We were leaving the club and walking towards the party bus. That's when Jessica recognized..." Erin trailed off not sure how to say your ex-fiancé and your current fiancé down right had a brawl.

"Who was it Erin!?" Kelly crossed his arms over his chest.

"Ashley..." Kelly's facial expression went blank. So erin continued. "We tried to get Jessica on the bus but it was too late. Ashley approached us, drunk, and started making remarks to her about you. Well Jessica turned around punched her in the face and it just went on from there."

The room went eerily quiet, everyone waiting to see how Kelly was going to react. But he didn't.

Kelly walked right out of the break room and out of the intelligence unit.

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