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It had been a couple days since Cristina came into the hospital. It was determined she was drugged. Unfortunately her friend was found a few hours later dead.

Jessica was at 51 hanging out with Kelly. She was laying in his bunk and he was at his desk writing up his latest report.

"When did you start falling for me?"

Kelly put down his pen and turned around to face Jess. "That was a random question."

"Sorry just been doing a lot of thinking since the whole thing with Cristina the other day." Jessica was trying to hide how much the whole situation bothered her.

Of course Kelly could read her like a book. So he got up and walked over to his bunk. "Sit up for sec." Jessica did as he asked. He then sat down behind her and pulled her close to him.

Jessica immediately relaxed in Kelly's arms. "You've always been my safe place."

Kelly placed a kiss to her temple. "I always will be. No matter what happens."

A few minutes later Casey was knocking on Severide's office door.

"It's open Casey."

Casey stepped into Severides office. "Hey Chief wants to see us in his office."

"Okay. I'll be right there." Jessica was moving so Kelly could get up.

"He wants ALL of us in his office. Jess that means you too."

Kelly and Jessica exchanged looks not having any idea what this could be about. They both got off of Kelly's bunk and followed Casey to Chief Boden's office.

As they got closer Jessica could see Hank, Erin, and Jay all in chief Boden's office. She didn't know why but she instantly felt fear.

Kelly must of picked up on it because he grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. They then entered Boden's office. "You want to see us Chief?"

"Yes please close the door and take a seat."

Everyone got situated into Chief Boden's office waiting to see what this was about. Erin was holding a file in her hand and once everyone was seated she spoke. "Jess you need to see something."

Erin handed over the folder to her. Jessica took it and opened the file. It was Cristina. She had been murder. Jessica physically felt her heart stop beating for a moment. "What happened?" Kelly wrapped an arm around Jessica's shoulder.

"We think the killer found out she spoke with us. So he went after her. " Erin and Hank exchanged a look. Then Erin continued talking. "If he found out about Cristina then he probably knows she spoke with you."

Jessica closed the folder and placed it in the table in front of her. "So what does that mean?" Kelly asked.

"Jessica we are going to assign a police officer to follow you and make sure you are okay at all times." Jessica was just staring at the photos not hearing a single word Hank just said.

"Jess look at me." Erin was able to get her attention. "We have two options here. We keep working the case till we catch this guy or we use you as bait."

"What no you're not using Jess as Bait!" Kelly got to his feet angry.

"I'm with Severide on this one."

"Thank you Casey." Kelly turned his attention towards Jay. "You are not using my girlfriend as bait."

"She is the best chance we have at catching this guy!"

Kelly, Matt, Hank and Jay were all going back and forth arguing about Jessica being used as bait. Jessica opened the folder and looked at the pictures of Cristina again.

"I'll do it."

Everyone stopped arguing and looked at Jess. Kelly sat down next to her again. "Jess no. They will find another way."

"Kelly I have to do this. You know just as well as I do that I'm the best shot they have."

"Do what you want Jess." Kelly got up and headed for Chiefs office door. Jessica was trying to stop herself from crying.

"Kelly!!" But he didn't stop. He walked right out of Chiefs office and slammed the door. He then got his squad and they went for a ride.

Hank took a seat next to Jess. "Let him cool down for a while. He will come around."

"I don't want to lose him again Hank." Jessica laid her head down on Hank's shoulder.

"That man is to in love with you to leave you. He just needs to cool off."

"Thanks Erin." Jessica wiped the few tears she had shed. "So what's the plan?"

"Give us a couple days to organize everything and we will contact you with the details. You will still have the police detail till we know this guy is locked up."

"Alright. I think I'm going to head home. Let Kelly have his space." Jessica stood up and gave everyone a hug. She wanted out of the firehouse as quick as possible.

"Jay and Erin are your detail till they can send a squad car over to your place."

"Alright sounds good." Jessica wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. She just wanted to go home.

Erin and Jay escorted Jessica out to her SUV and followed her home.

Once they left and the door closed. Casey turned and looked at Hank. "Kelly will be absolutely broken if something happens to her."

"You don't think I know that Casey? I think of Jessica as my own daughter. If I even get the feeling something isn't right I'll pull the plug. You have my word." Hank left Boden's office to head back to the 21st.

"I don't like this Chief. If something happens to Jess it will be worse than when Shay died."

"It was a difficult choice for her to make. We all just need to be there for them and support them however we can."

"Yes Chief." Casey headed out of Chief Boden's office and closed the door.


When Jessica pulled up to Kelly's place she didn't feel right staying there. She wanted to give Kelly as much space as possible. So she decided to grab a few items and then headed to her childhood home.

Jay and Erin of course followed her and made sure no one else was in the house and that she would be safe.

"We will be right outside if you need us."

"Thanks guys I appreciate it." Erin and Jay headed back out to their car and Jessica closed the front door.

She turned around and looked around. Every room is this house posed some kind of memory for her and most of them were not good.

"I guess everyone goes home at some point." Jessica headed upstairs to her old room to take a nap.

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