Clean Up

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It had been a few weeks since Kelly and Jessica got engaged. Brett and Dawson were in full wedding planning mode. When they weren't out on calls they were going through bridal magazines and Pinterest.

Jessica was happy to let them do it too because she had not the first clue where to start. They just had to run everything by her first.

Jessica was at her old childhood home beginning to clean out everything so she could get it on the market. Her life had come full circle and it was time to let go of the past.

Jessica was in the kitchen cleaning out the cabinets when there was a knock at the door and then it opened.


"I'm the kitchen Kelly."

Jessica continued with what she was doing. She could hear multiple feet walking across the floor.

"Hey baby."

Jessica hopped down off the counter. "Hey love." The two shared a kiss. Jessica looked behind Kelly to see Casey, Brett, and Dawson. "You brought reinforcements?"

Kelly's hands were resting on her waist. "Figured the more hands we have the quicker this goes."

"Well thank you."

"Where you want us boss lady?"

Jessica looked pass Kelly and just gave Casey this look like really? "Can you and Kelly start taking the heavy pieces of furniture out to the dumpster in the driveway? The girls and me will finish emptying the cabinets."

"You got it." Kelly placed another kiss on Jessica's lips and then headed to the living to start removing furniture.

Jessica gave each of the girls a cabinet to start emptying.

"Why is there so many dishes?" Brett was removing yet another stack of plates.

"My mom would go on these benders and be out of it for days. She wouldn't wash a single dish so she just kept buying more. I was too little do them at the time." Jessica was pulling the last stake of cups out of the cabinet she was in.

"What are we doing with all of them?"

"I'm going to find somewhere to donate them. Kelly has enough of everything we need so I don't want any of this stuff anymore."


Kelly and Casey were carrying out the old torn up couch to throw it in the dumpster.

"So how's Jess doing?"

"Seems to be alright. I'm kind of waiting for her to have a breakdown. This house is a lot of pain for her."

They lifted the couch and tossed it into the dumpster. "Right. Well maybe she can make it through without any flashbacks."

"I hope you're right Casey."

The guys headed back inside to grab the next piece of furniture.


"So how do you feel about a summer wedding?"

Jessica stopped what she was doing to look at Brett. "Summer? You want me to wear a wedding dress in the middle of Summer and somehow manage to not pass out?"

"Told you she would say no Brett."

"What about Winter?"

"Cold and flu season? The ED is always packed everyday because people think they need to come to the emergency room for a sniffle." Jessica was placing kitchen items into boxes.

"Okay so fall?" Brett was looking at Jessica with hopeful eyes.

"Fall is fine."

Casey and Kelly came back into the kitchen. "What about fall?"

"Our Wedding. Brett was trying to get me to do summer and I looked at her like she was crazy."

"Yeah no. You become really crabby when you get too hot." Jessica shot Casey a death glare. "What?! It's true."

"Sleep with your eyes open Matthew Casey. Remember I'm a doctor and I can make your death look like an accident."  Everyone laughed.

"So Jess whose going to walk you down the isle? Is your dad coming?"

Kelly and Matt exchanged looks they were waiting for the bomb to explode. They kept looking from Jessica to Brett.

"Well maybe if I knew who he was."

Brett had this pure look of horror on her face. "I'm so sorry Jess I didn't mean..."

Jessica held up a hand signaling for Brett to stop. "You didn't know Brett it's fine. No harm no foul."

Both Matt and Kelly were shocked. Usually bring up any part of Jessica's family was a sore subject. Maybe Jessica was really trying to move forward with her life.

Kelly took this opportunity to ask about part of the house that he knew Jessica would never touch. "Jess what about your moms room?"

"I haven't stepped foot in that room in over 10 years. I am not about to break that streak now." Jessica grabbed one of the full boxes and headed outside.

"She's gonna need a drink if we keep bringing up her family."

Kelly sighed. He grabbed one of the other full boxes and headed outside. Jessica was sitting on the back of her Jeep.  Kelly walked over and put the the box down.

"Hey babe you okay?" Kelly was standing in front of her.

"I will be. Once I never have to step foot back in this house." Jessica wiped away the few tears she had shed.

"Hey we don't have to try and do all of this today. If it's to much for you?"

"I'll let you know if I need to stop. So far I'm fine. Just thinking about my moms room was a bit much."

Kelly took both of her hands in his. "I'm sorry Jess. I shouldn't of brought it up."

"It's fine. I may see if Voight and Erin can take care of it."

"Alright if that's what you want."Kelly leaned down and gave her a kiss. "I'll start grabbing more boxes and bring them out."

"Thanks Kel."

"Always Jess. I am here no matter what."

Kelly headed back inside to grab some more of the boxes.

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