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Kelly is woken up by the feeling of Jessica rolling around and crying. "Jess?" Kelly try's to shake her wake. "Jessica!" Kelly shakes her a little harder.

Her eyes flew open. Kelly's face was hovering over hers with a look of concern. Jessica wipes the sweat from her forehead. She's trying to get her barings. She sits up and looks around the room.

Casey and Erin were both still there, and looked as if they had just been woke up as well. Jessica looked to the window to see the moon was out. She remembers Dr. Manning and Will saying they would be back in a couple hours. But where were they?

Jessica is looking around so lost and confused. "Jess?" Kelly places a hand on her arm.

Jessica looks at Kelly when she feels his touch. "Did Will and Dr. Manning ever come back?" Jessica started to feel for her phone.

Matt, Erin, and Kelly were all exchanging looks trying to figure out what she was talking about. "Will called up and said the ED got slammed so it would be a while till he could get back up here."

Jessica was still looking at Kelly complete full of fear. "But we have to make a plan. We have things we need to discuss!"

Matt got up and walked closer to Jessica. He placed a hand on her leg. "A plan for what Jess?"

Jessica looked at Matt and felt sick to her stomach. Why didn't they know? "You guys don't remember?" Jessica looks around at all three of them.

Erin steps forward and stands at the end of her bed. "Remember what?"

Jessica felt panic setting in. Why were they doing this to her? They had all been there when she found out she had leukemia and that she was pregnant.

There's a knock at Jessica's door and Will steps in. He has paperwork in hand and bag of prescription. "You ready to go home?" Will is all cheerful.

"But we never discussed anything! We never came up with a plan!" Jessica was looking at Will begging him to tell her something.

But Will was also confused. He could see everyone else face and that they were all just as confused as he was. "A plan for what Jess?"

Jessica looked at all of their faces and could see they really had no idea what she was talking about. "The leukemia and the baby." Jessica's hands immediately go to her stomach. "I was suppose to decide what to do about treatment. Save myself or save the baby."

Kelly looks at Will very concerned as to what Jessica was talking about. Everyone was exchanging glances not saying a word.

"Will someone say something?!" Jessica was becoming increasingly more upset with each passing moment.

"Jess you fell asleep when Matt and I went to go get food. We didn't want to wake you." Jessica starts to process what Erin had just told her.

Was it a nightmare? Jessica looked over to Kelly who was completely concerned for her state of mind right now. "It... It wasn't real?"

Kelly shakes his head no. Jessica feels instant relief and falls back onto the bed crying. Kelly lays down next to her and holds her close.

After a couple minutes, Will grabs a chair and pulls it to Jessica's side of the bed. He sits down still holding the paperwork and prescriptions. "Jessica I do need to tell you something."

Jessica rolls over and looks at Will preparing herself for the worst. Kelly draped an arm over her aside and was looking over her shoulder at Will.

"Part of your dream was true." Will stops.


"William Halstead if you don't tell me what it is right now so help me?!" Jessica was glaring at Will.

Will laughs. "Alright sorry... um... well you are pregnant." Will has this goofy grin plastered across his face.

"I'm... I'm pregnant?"

"Yes. 8 weeks."

"And I don't have leukemia?"

"No your healthy as can be."

Jessica's smile grew bigger and bigger with each passing second. Jessica turned over to face Kelly. He had the biggest grin on his face. "We're pregnant."

"Yes we are beautiful." Kelly places a kiss to her lips.

"You're going to be a dad."

Kelly smiles. "and you're going to be a mom."

Matt and Erin are both smiling and waiting for them to have their moment before they started to say congratulations. Once they both sit up and Kelly gets out of the bed, Matt goes and hugs him and congratulating him.

Kelly speaks into Matt's shoulder. "I'm going to be a dad."

"You're going to be a dad." Matt departs the words back to Kelly. Matt can feel his shoulder becoming wet from Kelly crying.

Jessica looks at Will. "That dream felt so real."

"Well that can happen with pregnancy. Your body is going through a lot of changes and some women have reported dreams feeling as if they were real."

Jessica gets up and hugs Will. "Thank you."

Will pulls back to look at her. "For what?"

"For being the best friend any girl could ask for."

Will pulls her back in and hugs her tighter. "Always."

They finally let go and Erin immediately jumps on Jessica giving her a hug and congratulating her. "Hank is going to be so excited."

"I know he will be." Jessica wipes the tears from her face.

Erin turns to look at Kelly. "That means Kelly if you fuck up your even more dead than you were before." Erin has a smile on her face.

"I have nothing to worry about because that's not going to happen." Kelly walks over to Jessica and rests his hands on her waist. "I have the most amazing fiancé who I can't wait to call my wife. Who I can't wait to raise children with. Who I can't wait to grow old with. Who I can't wait to make a lifetime of memories with."

Jessica is in tears by the end of Kelly's little speech. "I love you so much Kelly Severide."

"I love you more than anything Jess." Jessica wraps her arms around Kelly's neck before going in for another kiss.

Jessica felt like her heart was flying. They were going to get their happy ending. Finally.

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