The Plan

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Jessica was awoken that afternoon by the sound of her ringtone blaring. She quickly grabbed her phone from the table beside the bed hoping it had not woken Kelly up.

"Hello?" Jessica was almost whisper.

"Jess it's Erin. We got a game plan and it's happening tonight."

Jessica looked to see what time it was. It was just a little after 1pm. "What time and where?"

"Jay and me are on our way over to see you to go over everything."

"Alright but can you bring some coffee and food? I haven't got anything in this house."

"Yeah sure thing."



"Bring something for Kelly too."

"So you two made up?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Good because Voight was starting to plan his murder."

"That sad part about that Erin is I don't know if you're kidding or not."

Erin let out a stifled laugh. "See you in 30"

The women hung up their phones and Jessica laid back down on the bed. She was debating rather she should wake Kelly or not but then decided she better. He would want to know all of the details to this plan.

Jessica moved back closer to Kelly and whispered in his ear. "Kelly?"

"Yes baby?" Jessica was a bit startled. She didn't know he was awake. "Hun I work in a firehouse I'm a light sleeper."

"Right well uh..." Jessica was scared to open this wound so soon after it had just been repaired.

Kelly rolled over onto his side so he could face her. He pushed a piece of hair to behind her ear. "What is it?"

"Erin called. They have a plan and uh... it's happening tonight." Jessica was preparing herself for Kelly to become upset but instead she felt his warm body press against hers. All of her fears just melted away.

Kelly then placed a kiss to her forehead. "Alright let's get up then." Jessica and Kelly got up. Kelly slipped on his clothes that he was wearing earlier. They then headed downstairs to wait for Erin and Jay.

Erin was right on target with her time. It had been exactly 30 minutes and they were knocking on the door. Jessica went and let them in. Jay was carrying the coffee and food. Erin had a duffel bag with her.

"Hey Jess."

"Hey Erin."

They all took a seat in the living room. Kelly's eyes lit up when he saw what Jay was carrying. "Oh thank god. I'm starving."

Jay couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah your girlfriend asked us to stop."  Jay sat the food and coffee down on the table.

Jessica instantly felt her cheeks get warm. She was blushing. Kelly couldn't help but smile at her. "You're cute when you blush." This comment only made Jessica blush even more. Kelly kissed her and then dove into the food Jay and Erin had brought.

The detectives decided to let them eat first before getting to business. Once lunch was cleaned up they all sat around waiting for someone to start the conversation.

Jay decided he would be that someone. "So we have a plan and it has to happen tonight."

"Why tonight?"

"We figured out which bars this guy goes too and figured out which he would be at tonight. Now here we have..." Jay pulled out a folder and opened it. "This is Grant Taylor. He is who we suspect of these crimes."

Kelly and Jessica were examining the photo in front of them. " So the plan is to have Jessica be at the bar with you Kelly."
The couples heads shot up to look directly at Erin. "You two are gonna have some kind of fight and Kelly you will storm out. This will give Grant an opportunity to approach her."

"Someone else is going to be in there right? Jess won't be by herself?" Kelly was so far going along with the plan but he was still reserving judgment till the whole plan had been laid out.

"We have talked to the owner and Atwater is going to be a bartender. Ruzek will be at a table towards the back. Jay and me will be covering the back. AL will be covering the front. We are not sure what direction he may exit the bar but we will have both doors covered."

"Now Hank and Mouse will be out in a van just down the street and Kelly that's where you need to go after you storm out. You will be able to watch the whole interaction." Jay turned his attention towards Jessica. "Jess we need you to let him think your interested in talking to him. We also need to catch him on video slipping something in your drink."

"Woah woah wait a second. Your gonna let this guy drug her?"

"It's the only way this works. We need to catch the whole interaction. Jessica we will also need you to let him knock you unconscious. As soon as that happens we will come in and arrest him." Erin was looking from Kelly to Jessica trying to get a reading on how they were feeling about this plan.

"So we have to let him drug her and knock her out?! Seriously?!" Jessica sighed she knew this would happen. Kelly wouldn't like any part of this plan. Not if it meant her getting hurt.

"We plan to have Dawson and Brett just down the street so they can tend to any injuries."

Kelly sat in silence thinking over the plan in his head. Trying to find something they could possibly do that wouldn't cause her to get hurt. But Kelly couldn't think of anything. "So you guys really think this is the only way?"

"Yes." Erin and Jay both spoke in unison.

Kelly sighed and then looked at Jessica. "What do you think Jess?"

"If it gets this guy off the street then I'm all for it."

Kelly grabbed ahold of her hand. "Alright then we will do it." Jessica was nervous about doing this. Hoping the plan went exactly how it was suppose too.

And hopefully Kelly would stick to his part of the plan and not do something stupid.

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