Chapter 1

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If she lived in a beautiful, picture-perfect story, then she would wake up to the ringing of her alarm, have breakfast with her family, and drive to school with her loving brothers. This could be the story about a girl's perfect life and how she's not missing anything.

Well, too bad. Her life isn't anywhere close to that, so if you wanna hear a pretty, princess story, then you may leave now. If not, make yourself comfortable and get something to drink, you will have enough opportunities to spit it out.

One of the worst things of the day would be going home from school.
While everyone couldn't wait to get home, chill, and watch Netflix, Saphira was too terrified to do so and all of that because of Brad and her stupid brothers.

Right now is such a moment where she's terrified, but doesn't show it.
Today's Friday, school's over, and she's on her way back home, looking into literally every alley and expecting Brad to pop out of one. He would, she knew that, but hoped he wouldn't. She also hoped he would spare her this weekend and spend it with his friends. But she also hoped his parents would decide to immigrate to Europe and never come anywhere near Texas again.

That might never happen, but maybe she was lucky and wouldn't have to deal with him today. Five more minutes and she would be safe at home.
One more minute and she was grabbed by the arm and dragged into an alley, leaving the hope behind.

Brad stood in front of her, Will held her arm tight in his grip, and John grabbed the other arm.
Will and John were his closest friends, part of his gang and always around him.
"Now, look who we have here. It's been a while, don't you think so?" Brad spoke stepping towards her.

Yeah, according to his definition.
Two days ago Saphira ran into him and that's why she was so sure that she would meet him today, Brad never gave her more than two days to rest. If he gave her some rest at all.

The girl remained silent, waiting for him to start so they would get through this quick.
"Tell me, how are your brothers? Are they still not talking to you?" Brad grabbed her long hair, pulling her head back and making her shut her eyes in pain.

Suddenly, she felt his knee in her stomach. A second later pain erupted in her body and she groaned. "Did that hurt?" Brad mocked and looked down at her. He pulled her hair hard, making her trip and fall to the ground. His foot found her stomach, her shoulder, her thighs.

It wasn't like she didn't try to protect herself, but the second she did Will and John grabbed her arms and pinned them to the ground.
His kicks got worse, harder. She just closed her eyes, tried to stay calm, but it wasn't that easy to ignore the pain, it was even harder to not show the pain, but she did her best.

Years ago, she had sworn that she would show him as little pain as possible. He shouldn't feel the satisfaction, but at the same time every kick, every punch, every word he said gave him satisfaction and she couldn't change that.

Minutes past. Minutes, in which she prayed someone would come by and stop it, prayed Brad would stop soon, prayed he would end it and kill her already.

It took five more minutes until he stopped and stepped back from her.
"You know going on won't help you. Who are you doing this for?" Brad and his friends looked down on her bruised body. "You have to understand that your brothers never wanted you. You're just a pathetic little girl to them," Brad went on. 
"I wonder who would want you when you look like this and are nothing than a problem," Will spoke, she saw the amusement in his eyes.
"Careful, Will, she's gonna cry," John laughed with the others and she still heard their laughter when they left.

It took her another five minutes before she was able to stand up and go home. Already debating how she would explain the wounds to her parents of whom she knew that they were still home. So, as she opened the front door and went into the kitchen, she saw her parents, who looked up at her shocked and rushed over to her.

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