Chapter 4

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Just like everyone's eyes were on her, her brother's wide eyes were on her too. That was the moment, everything got too much for her and she stormed out of the dining hall.
She ran up the staircase and sat down on the top stair, leaning her head against the handrail and whispered: "Keep strong, you have to."

"Saph," she heard Raffael call her. Then Jayden found her and came running with the other three. Not wanting to face her brothers yet, she got up and run away. It would hurt way too much to face the truth and hearing it from them. That they don't care about her. Never did. 

Just as she was about to turn around the corner, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Saphira bumped against a hard chest and before she understood that it was Jayden, he put his arms around her.

"What's going on, princess?" he asked her softly, but she wasn't up to that.
"After all you did, you have no right to call me princess. I'm not your princess," she snarled.

"I won't stop calling you my princess."
"You will, and now let go of me!" Jayden listened and let her out of his arms, but it didn't have any use. The others had come too and trapped her in their circle.
"Leave me alone." Usually, that tone caused people to turn around and leave because of fear, but she couldn't intimidate her brothers even a little bit.

"Don't be mad at us. We-"
"I shouldn't be mad at you?" she interrupted Jayden and made a laughing sound. "Don't worry. I'm not mad anymore. I hate you. Not like you care about what I think about you."
"Sis," Jack spoke and gave her a soft look. He took a step closer, clearly wanting to hug her, but he stopped with her next words.

"I'm not your sister and you are not my brother. My brothers died three years ago."
Her words shocked the boys. They had not expected such a comment, neither had they expected their little sister to say something like that. Ever.

But it was their fault that she turned out like this. If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be in so much trouble. She wouldn't be suffering day for day, be afraid of her own life.

"Do you even know what you did to me? You didn't just break your stupid promises. You sent me to hell. You sent me to a nightmare I can't get out of and you don't care a bit. I always wondered why you pretended to love me all those years, you could've just told me that you hate me instead of giving me up and making me suffer."

Tears were on the brink to fall and she wasn't sure how much longer she could take this, but she had to, she didn't want to cry in front of her brothers.
They all felt the tense atmosphere. You could've cut glass with it.

"Saphi, don't say that. We love you and we never gave you up. You know, we always thought about you. You're on our mind twenty-four seven," Zack spoke, trying to calm her down and tell her otherwise. She would never believe a word they said. She was older now, knew better than to fall for their words.
And even if they said the truth, she would not take that risk of trusting them.

"I don't believe you and I never will. You don't love me, no one of you does," Saphira disagreed and responded to his gentle green eyes with icy blue ones.
"Princess, we know we broke our promises. I know I promised you to never leave you and I left you. I'm sorry for that, but you have to believe us that we always loved you and that never changed. You're our little sunshine," Jayden said, his eyes were pleading for her to understand, but she didn't because she didn't want to see it.

Three years Brad had told her over and over again that her brothers never loved her, that they hated her, he had proven to her that they didn't care about her and that it all had to have been played. So how would she believe these words now?

"Do I look like a sunshine to you or are you mistaking me for Kayla?"
"Saphira, I didn't mean to-"
"Save it. I don't need to hear that you replaced me, but on the other side, there was nothing to replace."
"That's not true. You were always the most important part of our lives and you have not been replaced. You're irreplaceable. You should know better," Raffael disagreed with her and she just rolled her eyes.

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