Chapter 22

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Two weeks later, she sat at breakfast with her brothers, Kayson, and Kayla. She couldn't wait until the day was over, because tomorrow might be a great day. There was an academic competition she wanted to take part in and she would meet with Tom at the Bads. 

Not much happened the past two weeks. It was the usual, Brad beating her up, her spending a lot of time with her brothers, and talking and texting a lot with Tom. 
She was able to do sports since Wednesday. She took it easy, but tomorrow she would fight. 

Most of her injuries had already healed, but some were still healing. It would take at most a week. Good enough for her to do sports again. 

Tom and Saphira had planned to go to Matt and have a race too. Matt had complained that they wouldn't visit him enough.
Saphira was ripped out of her thoughts as someone snipped in front of her eyes. 

"Hmm?" She turned her attention to them, she might have ignored them.
"Are you even in our world?", Raffael asked amused, the others laughed too. She scratched her head in awkwardness.  
"Sorry, I was in thoughts." 

"Just don't forget to eat. Spinning the spoon in the bowl won't make the food get into your body", Jack told her and he was right. She had been so in thoughts that she had forgotten what she was doing. 

"Don't worry, I'll eat", she told him, rolling her eyes, and ate a spoon demonstrative, though her stomach still hurt a bit. Brad had beaten her up before breakfast. Of course, no one saw that. 
"I would rather like to know who you're thinking about", Kayla said. Her brothers looked confused at Kayla and Saphira and Jayden even raised an eyebrow.

"Will you explain?", Saphira asked.
"You probably thought about a boy, so who is it?" Saphira looked at her with her best are-you-serious look.
"Oh come on. Who is it? Kayson?" She made a hand movement, so that her palm was facing the ceiling. "Or is it Cole?" She did the same with the other hand. 

"Why Cole?", Saphira asked. 
"It's obvious that he likes you", Raffael pointed out, but he didn't know that Cole had given her up already. They were just friends and it was good like that. 
"To be honest, every guy gazes back at you", Jayden said, pointing his spoon at her and shrugging his shoulders. 

"Of course, because I'm so beautiful and all." Irony was clearly in her voice. 
"You are", Kayson confirmed. "Really beautiful actually." Okay, was he crushing on her?
"Back to the topic. Did you think about Kayson, Cole, or Tom?", Kayla pressed her on telling.

She froze as Tom's name fell. "Why Tom?", Saphira asked instantly and looked at Kayla disbelieving.
"Don't know. You said your type would be someone like Tom, so why not him." She sighed. 
"It's neither of them and I was not thinking about a boy", she told Kayla. "I was thinking about going to the city because I need a few things."

"Oh, well that's upsetting." Kayla made a sad face. 
"Well, I'm sorry my thoughts aren't entertaining you. Why don't you tell something interesting?" Saphira looked at her expecting, casually eating her breakfast.

Before Kayla could say something the boys' coach entered the dining hall and headed to their table. He looked serious. 
"What's up?", Jack asked. 
"The competition was rescheduled. It will take place tomorrow at three p.m.", he informed them. 

The competition the coach was talking about was a boxing competition between the two clubs. Since there were two different boxing classes they made a competition twice a year. It was basically a fight between Halfblood's and Pure's. 

"Okay. We will come to training this afternoon", Raffael told him, and the coach left with a nod. 

The competition being rescheduled was a little problem because Saphira's competition took place at four p.m.
How was she supposed to be at two places at the same time? Maybe she might make it just in time, but that would be hard. It would get interesting for sure.

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