Chapter 30

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This Chapter contains mature scenes, so only read if you're 18+. This chapter does not have to be read since it does not contain any important informations for the end of the story, which had unofficially ended in the chapter before.

Two weeks have past and a lot had happened in those two weeks. 
Saphira had testified by the police, the boys that had helped Brad had to go to court too and were punished accordingly. 

Her life had changed when she had given her brothers another chance, all thanks to Tom, and now her life changed again. Again it was all thanks to Tom.

Without him, she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be living. She wouldn't be on a new journey. A journey to find herself and she wasn't alone. Her family, friends, and her boyfriend were on the journey with her. 

To be honest, she believed it wouldn't be a long journey. She had started to find herself when she risked living and in the last two weeks, she started to form a new Saphira again. This new girl consisted of the olds. She started to live and be happier as the first one and she remained a badass bad girl as the second one. She had found who she wanted to be. 

Tom had often enough said that he loved it, loved her. It couldn't be any better between them. Things were going further and further. Her brothers couldn't believe that their little sister was the first to have a partner and go far, but they were happy for her and they liked Tom.

Her parents were happy for her too, believing that she deserved to finally be happy again. 
Actually, she had even gone to the doctor a week ago to get the pill. 
Tom and Saphira wanted to go a step further, it might seem rushed, but they didn't feel like that. They were sure that what they had would be forever.

Saphira got off of Tom's bike and took the helmet off, Tom did the same and came closer. 
"What is my Sweetie thinking about?" She smiled, stood up on her tiptoes, and kissed him. She pulled back before he could react, he was surprised. 

Tom smiled. 
"I'm thinking about how happy I am. My life couldn't be more perfect", she answered him.
He put his arms around her waist and pulled her in for another kiss, a longer one. One that was passionate and full of love.

He pulled back and connected their foreheads.
"You will need these words again", he whispered, she knew exactly what he meant. "But you're right. My life couldn't be any better either. I have everything I need and admire and love here in my arms." His words made her heart beat faster. 

She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest.
His arms were holding her protective as they enjoyed each other's company. It felt magical as they stood under the night sky. Felt even more magical, knowing what they were about to do. 

"Come on. Let's go inside, so I can kiss you recklessly", Tom said a minute later, taking her hand and leading her to his house. She had been here before and she had met his mother too, but tonight she wouldn't be there. She had made a trip to spend some time with her husband.

Tom wanted to give them some time for themselves, he would actually go with Saphira next weekend. Saphira was excited about it, she knew how proud he was of his father and how much he missed him since he barely saw him in person.

Another reason Tom wanted to stay is that he wanted some alone time with her.
He opened the front door and let her in.
"I've got your favorite movie, you wanna watch it?", he asked as they made their way up to his room.

"Shouldn't we take some sweets upstairs?", she asked, stopping on the step and turning to him. He smirked, a sexy one that made her legs melt. He took another step, put his hands on her waist, and got really close to her.

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