Chapter 20

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In panic, she looked for an escape. Her room would be too far away. 
Even worse, if one of the twins saw someone go into her room, they would be alarmed.
Not knowing what else to do, she rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. 

Steps came closer to the bathroom door and then the handle was pushed down. 
That couldn't be true.
"Who's in the bathroom?" That was Jack's voice, he sounded half asleep.

"I am", she called back, Jack recognized it as his sister's voice. 
"You're up early", he noticed. 
"Yeah. I'm an early bird and if I don't shower now, I have to wait hours until you all are done." 

Not a single lie yet. She stood up early due to her night terrors and she had to shower. Her brothers needed hours too. 

"Okay. I'll go downstairs then." Luckily, Jack didn't question further and left. She heard his steps going downstairs. She breathed through. 
"Well, that could've gone wrong", she murmured and switched on the light. 
Seemed like Jack didn't recognize it either. Her luck.

She went over to the sink and took out her contacts, blue eyes stared back at her. 
Blue shining eyes actually, the color in her eyes was returning. 
Thanks to Tom. He made her feel good, happy. He made her feel safe and brought out a side of her that was rarely there. 

She was happier than usual, lived more. 
She loved it and she didn't want to let go of it.
More than that, she wanted to find out who she was and she felt like she would do that very soon. And she knew that she wouldn't be alone with that. 

Tom would be with her and so would her brothers. That thought made things easier. 
Still, she needed to survive for that. 

Stepping under the shower she started to get ready for the day.
It took five minutes until someone knocked on the door.
"Saphi, I need to wake up", Jack spoke loud enough for her to hear. 

Jack usually stood a minute under the cold water to get awake and would turn it warm after. All her brothers did that and she showered cold too, but she did it because she woke up sweaty and overheated most of the time.

"Princess, we know you love showering long, but we have to make breakfast", Jayden spoke now. Sighting, she turned off the water, wrapped her body in a towel, and hid the contacts before she opened the door.  

Jack and Jayden stood half-asleep in front of her, but as they saw her they were hell awake. They frowned suddenly, looking at her. 
"What is it?", she asked confused.

"Where do you get that scar from?", Jayden asked, pointing at the scar along her left collarbone. It came from the fight against him, but she couldn't tell him that. 
"Oh, that's so old. I don't even remember where I got it from", she lied. 

"Okay", he said, but his eyes were still fixed on the scar. He wasn't stupid. It was the exact same place he had cut Rose.
"Go change before you get sick", Jack told her then. Nodding, she walked past them to her room. Hopefully, they wouldn't ask again.

Fully dressed and ready for the day, she left her room to find her parents downstairs. They were early birds too, so they should be downstairs already. 
Saphira passed her brother's rooms. The twins' door was closed, Jayden's was open, so he must be under the shower. 

Raffael's door was closed too, but was he under the shower or still in bed? She hadn't seen him this morning.
She knocked on his door, no one answered, so she quietly opened the door and there she saw Raffael still sleeping in his bed. 

As a good sister, she should wake him up and prevent that he had to do the dishes. Quietly she stepped to his bed and then jumped on him, but before she could fall on him Raffael grabbed her by the waist and pulled her next to him on the bed. 

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