Chapter 29

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"Your family is here. You two have a few minutes before the chaos starts and you", Jake pointed at Tom, "better be prepared to answer a series of questions." Saphira, Jake, and Tom were in a hospital room, two of them in blood-soaked clothes. 

Saphira was feeling better too since the blood loss and her wounds were taken care of.
Right now, she was sitting on the hospital bed, a blood infusion connected to the crook of her arm. 

"It will be worse when Kayson finds out that my boyfriend is his role model", she said and looked up with a little smile. 
"For who? Me or you?" Tom didn't look excited, making her laugh and hearing her laugh made him smile.
"You don't have long", Jake told them and closed the door behind him as he left.

Tom still leaned against the wall. "Ask", he said.
"How do you know?", she asked.
"I'm your best friend and boyfriend. I know you better than you do, even better than your brothers." He grinned.

"Might be true." He came over and stole a quick kiss, before sitting next to her. 
"How did you know Brad would kill me today?", she asked her first question. 
"I wasn't sure, but your message told me how scared you were and I didn't risk anything." He put his arm around her, pulling her to him, she leaned her head against his shoulder and felt his lips on her head. 

"You didn't write back, so I grabbed my keys and jacket and went out. At the same time, I called Jayden and asked where you are. They told me you're meeting someone and I told them we have to find you, so we looked for you. I knew the places he called you to and then I went to the graveyard. I also called the police and an ambulance. Thank god I found you in time."

She kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "I love you."
"I love you too, Sweetie." His eyes told her how much he loved her. "I didn't tell your brothers anything, this is your story to tell." She nodded. 
"It's about time I do." He took her hand and squeezed it. 

"I'm here, baby girl. I'll always be." 
"I know. One more question." 
"You can ask more than that." He chuckled at her, she loved it. Knew at that moment that things were better, that she was going to start a new chapter and it would be an awesome one.

"Since when do you know?", she asked. It was a question he feared. Tom had promised to not look for her, but he had broken that promise and he feared losing her now.

"Monday evening. I didn't tell you, but I felt that it would end soon, so Monday after school I sat down and started to find out who you are. I'm sorry, I promised I wouldn't, but I rather live with you hating me than you're dead."

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the lips. It quickly got a passionate kiss and his hands found their way under her shirt. 
Still, they separated since her family would come soon.

"Does it look like I hate you?" 
"I'm not sure, maybe I need another kiss", he said with a smirk. She laughed but gave him the kiss. His smile was worth everything. 
"I wanna know one more thing. How did you find out so quick?" 

"I'm just a genius." 
"I know, but I want details." He laughed. 
"I asked my dad for some help, he gladly did after I told him the story. So, I was in the system of Dallas and started filtering. Took out any girl that wasn't black-haired, then without siblings, checked the age, and I took out every girl that didn't look badass. I took you out." 

She laughed hard and he couldn't stop himself from smiling embarrassed too. "But seriously. You look so cute and innocent, it's hard to believe that you're freaking badass. I like that", he told her and she got a little red. Now he laughed about it. 

"I wasted a lot of time because of that. I was down to having no one and had to start over. Same categories, but left out the badass one. I had such a big range and I had still a lot when I took everyone out that wasn't born in October."

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