Chapter 25

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Rose sped up, flew high, and when the wheels hit the ground, she couldn't deal with the impact and fell.

Her vision got blurry, but she ignored it and pushed herself up on her knees. Taking off the helmet, she breathed through a few times and tried to clear her view.
The others had passed her already, but she could still make it. She wouldn't give up that fast.

As Rose stood up, she felt a little burn on her leg, but the adrenalin was pushing it back. She got back on her motorbike, put the helmet back on, and took off. The rest came by itself.

The determination to pass the boys appeared in her eyes as she got faster and faster.
With the speed she was driving it was hard to get the curves, but she managed. When Raffael fell, she passed him, he was fine, even got up again.

This time she didn't think about taking the detour, she went straight to the ramp.
It was risky, she could fall again, but if she did make it, she would catch up to the boys.
She couldn't let that chance pass, so she risked.

Just be prepared for the impact, she told herself as she drove up the ramp and went flying.
For several seconds she didn't have the solid ground under the wheels and then she started to fall. Her grip strengthened, she was ready for the impact, and then she touched the ground.

It wasn't easy, but she got it. Kept control of her bike and drove on at high speed. The boys a few meters in front of her. She drove into the left turn and took it easier than the times before. Since she slowed down only a tiny bit to get the curves, she quickly caught up to the guys and passed Matt.

Then she was head to head with Jayden, Tom only a few meters in front of them, but he was too fast. 

The whole course had two dangerous ramps and they had avoided them. However, Rose had taken one of them. The second was two kilometers away from the finish line.

If someone took it, they would be so close to the finish line, maybe even win. If one didn't fall. 

Anyhow, Matt drove to exactly that ramp, while Tom, Rose, and Jayden took the detour.
Matt seemed to have the same problem she had. He couldn't deal with the impact and fell, he was out. If he was fast to stand up he might finish before Raffael.

While Matt was out, Rose was working on passing Jayden and Tom. She stepped on the freaking gas, though she was already so fast, and passed Jayden, coming closer to Tom.
It was only a few hundred meters until the finish line and though her front wheel touched his back wheel, he drove through the finish line first.

A second later, she drove through and reduced her speed until she came to a hold. Jayden was third, Matt fourth, and Raffael fifth.
She got off of her bike and leaned against it. Since the adrenaline was decreasing, her leg started to burn again. She slid to the ground and held her leg, she knew it was just for the moment, but it still hurt.

"Sweetie?" Tom kneed next to her and put his arm around her, leaning her against him.
"I'm fine. It's just a graze", she told him, breathing out the air she had held in. 

"You're sure you okay?", Tom reassured, she looked up to him, but his eyes were focused on the wound. He stretched out his hand and lightly touched it. She flinched.

"I'm sorry." Tom turned to her and kissed her forehead. His green eyes were filled with worry.
"It's okay, it just burns." He nodded and picked her up bridal style. "What are you doing? I can walk." She was surprised and even turned a little red when she realized that everyone was watching.

"I know." He smirked and sat her down on her bike, before getting on it too.
"Matt, can you take care of my bike?", he turned around to Matt, who nodded.
"I see you in a few minutes and I'll get a first-aid box", he told them. Tom started her bike and drove off the course.

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