Chapter 12

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"Okay, girls. There is my wardrobe. Choose whatever you like", Kayson said Monday morning, standing in only boxer shorts in front of them, a sight Saphira didn't want to see. 

Yesterday after their parents left, Saphira had challenged Kayson. They had five tries each and had to shoot as many goals as possible. The other one had been the goalkeeper. 
Kayson lost two to four, so the girls were allowed to choose his clothes for the day and he had to wear them the whole day. 

"Couldn't you have worn some sweats?", Saphira asked, looking at her brother. Jayden leaned clothed onto his desk and shrugged. 
"Why should I hide my muscles? Especially, when I know you like them", Kayson asked back. 
"Which bird told you that? I definitely saw better", she replied. 

"Where?", Kayson questioned.
"There", Saphira pointed at Jayden. "And I have three more of them."
"She's right", Jayden confirmed, high-fiving her as she stepped next to him and held up her hand. Kayson just threw a frown at Jayden, who didn't care a bit.

"Don't worry. You'll definitely be able to show off your muscles today", Saphira answered smiling and sitting down on Jayden's desk. 
"Good." The girls tried to prevent a laugh from escaping. 
"Oh gosh." Jayden seemed to understand what was going on. 

He probably remembered how Saphira had made all her brothers were a pink princess dress for her birthday party. The boys were at an age where it was just embarrassing and they haven't enjoyed it, but they have enjoyed the happiness it brought their little sister. 

Another reason, why her brother's love couldn't be fake. 

"Kayla? Don't you wanna give your brother his beautiful outfit?"
"With pleasure", Kayla answered her and picked the first item out of the bag. A black skirt with a pink flower print that would go mid-tight. Kayson's eyes got wide. 

"No way. I'm not wearing that", he protested. 
"You gave your word and my brothers taught me to always hold my word", Saphira spoke up.
"Jayden?" Kayson looked helplessly to Jayden, who gave him an amused expression. 
"We thought her that and you gave your word", Jayden said.   

"Fine." Kayson grabbed the skirt and put it on, while Kayla took out the next item. It was a pink crop top and Jayden started laughing promptly. As Kayson heard him laugh, he looked up and spotted the crop top.

"You're serious?", he asked, mouth open. The girls nodded and Kayla handed it over to him. Swearing, Kayson put it on and crossed his arms in front of his chest. 
"Can I put on my sneakers?"
"We've got shoes for you", Saphira told him. "But you're not fully clothed yet."

Grinning brightly, Kayla got the over-knee stockings out. Kayson's eyes got wide. 
"Oh come on", he groaned, but took them and put them on. Kayla gave him the boots to it, which had a little bit of heel, but he should manage. 

"How do I look?" Kayson presented himself to them. 
"Beautiful", Saphira answered, while she tried to hold her laugh at bay.
"To be honest, the pink princess dress was better than this", Jayden commented. 

"Why don't I just wear a bikini?", Kayson exclaimed frustrated. 
"Sure. We get you one." 
"Hell, no. As if this wasn't worse enough."

"Fine, no bikini. But don't forget you have to wear it the whole day", Saphira remembered him. 
"The whole day?" Kayson's horrific look made the three laugh again. "Do I have to?" 
"Oh, my lovely brother." Kayson was dragged out of the room by Kayla, leaving Jayden and Saphira back. 

She was about to jump down from the desk, as Jayden stopped her.
"What happened to your arm? You didn't have that bandage yesterday."
"I fell and scraped it last night when I wanted to go to the bathroom. I didn't turn on the light, so Kayla would not wake up", she told him the lie she made up. 

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