Chapter 27

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She dodged Jayden's attack and punched him in the stomach, he blocked but didn't expect her kick. Saphira made him stumble. 
"You're not fighting serious", she realized. 

The two were training in the training room in front of the ring. 
"Maybe you're better than me", he suggested, picked her up and turned with her. "Maybe my little sister isn't that helpless as you would think." He let her down. 
"Maybe", she lied and smiled cheekily.

"You would be stupid if you believed her", she heard a familiar voice. The siblings turned around, facing Brad standing in the door to the training room. Immediately, Jayden stood in front of her protectively. 
"What do you want here?" Jayden's voice was harsh.  

"Her." A simple word that made her shiver. 
"Not even over my dead body", Jayden fired back, Brad didn't reply to it with words. He replied with actions. 

Before they could react, Brad had taken out a gun and shot at her. The sound in her ear, while a sudden pain erupted in her body. She was frozen, then she fell forward. Jayden caught her, sliding to the ground with her in his arms. 

"Saphira.", he whispered in shock. The bullet had barely missed her heart, blood was floating out of the wound and onto her pale skin, building a strong contrast.
For training she had worn a sports bra and shorts, so Jayden could perfectly see the blood covering her body.

Saphira pressed her hand to the wound, hoping she could stop the blood flow, she couldn't.
Jayden laid his hand over hers. "Everything will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you", he tried to calm her and himself down.
She smiled weakly, already accepting her death. In her eyes were sadness and an apology. An apology for leaving him and the others. 

"Don't be ridiculous. Your little princess won't make it. She lost too much blood already", Brad pointed out and he was right. Her body and the floor were red with her blood. "Every help will be too late. I tell you, it's the best for her. She doesn't have to suffer because of her stupid brothers."

"One day you will regret it", she told him as she saw him leave. 
"Never", he said, closing the door. 
Saphira turned her hand, holding Jaydens' and bringing it to her stomach. 

"What did he mean?", Jayden demanded to know, so she explained. Told him what Brad had done to her.
"This is all my fault. I should've thought about it. You should never had to fight like that", he said, pulling her closer to him and holding her body in his. 

"It's not your fault. I'm pretty good at hiding it all", she tried to make it easier on him. 
"We're you're brothers. We know you better than you know yourself. We should've seen it. We should've thought about it before, that he might hurt you."

"I'm not giving you the fault. I love you and the others." Saphira felt how the cold tried to welcome her to a whole new world. A world she would not return from.
"We love you too, Princess. Hold on, help is on the way."
"I can't", she whispered her voice breaking. 

"You have to fight. The boys and I need you." A tear fell on her cheek, Jayden's tear. "You're my little world." Her eyes closed, she couldn't hold them open anymore. 
"Don't let him hurt someone as he hurt me. Promise me", she told him. 
"I promise."

Jayden pulled her closer, resting his head on hers. She felt how his body jerked, while her body was motionless in his arms. It was hard, but she managed to put her fingers on his arm.
"You guys will always be in my heart. I'll be in yours."
"I want you here, next to me", he said. 

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