Chapter 15

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Wednesday at lunch the others once again talked about their grades. By now, they had received all the exams back. Kayson had As in the science classes, she had found out that he loved science and wanted to do something with it in the future. The other grades were fine too, except for maths. That's where Kayla had trouble too. The other classes were fine. 

Raffael on the other side had an A+ in Maths. The other classes were fine again, except for history. He hated history and according to him, the teacher hated him too. 
The twins had Bs in most of their classes and it looked similar to Jayden's. He had As in his language classes and Bs and C+s otherwise. 

"What about you?", Kayson asked her, she looked up from her pizza that didn't look appetizing at all. 
"What about me?", she asked him confused. She was listening to them, but not paying much attention since she was a little under pain from this morning. Brad had beaten her up before school and she had used up all her acting skills already. Still, she was doing a good job because no one seemed to recognize her pain. 

"How did your exams go? You didn't tell anything yet", Kayla answered for her brothers and took a nugget from his plate. 
"Good, as always", she answered short, her thoughts were rather debating if she could exchange her pizza with Jack's salad. She could at least try, right? 

She stretched over the table and grabbed the bowl of salad standing in front of the plate with fries he was eating and pulled it to her while she pushed her plate with pizza to him. 

"What does that mean? Cs?", Raffael asked, hoping he wasn't the only stupid one in the family. Sorry, Raffael. You're alone there. 

She didn't answer him because she was looking at Jack, who smiled at her. His amused expression due to her attempt to exchange lunch made her chuckle. 
"You know you could just take it instead of being so sneaky and all spy-like", he told her and that just made her laugh out loud. 

"But where's the fun in that?", she replied, making Jack join her laughing. 
"True." Still laughing they exchanged their food. 
"Your grades", Kayson came back to it. 
"My grades, yeah, what's with them?", she asked while she dug into the salad. Yeah, it looked more appetizing to her than that pizza. 

"Girl", Kayson exclaimed, falling back in his chair. "What grades do you got?"
"Oh, that", she took a bite of her salad. "Nothing special. Straight As." They looked at her stunned and unbelieving. Then they laughed. 
"Good joke, you got us", Raffael laughed out, but when they realized that she wasn't laughing they stopped. 

"That was a joke right?", Zack reassured, she shook her head.
"That wasn't a joke. I really got straight As." It was kind of funny how she sat there caring more about her salad than about their doubtful expressions. 

"You got only As?", Jayden reassured.
"Yes. I've got only As. That's what having straight As mean", she told him smiling. It was getting funny for her now. 

"No way", Kayson disagreed.
"Yes, way. You want to see it or what?", she asked jokingly. 
"Yes." Kayson looked so serious as he said that. Wow, he really didn't believe her.

"Do I wanna know how your reports look like?", Jack asked. 
"Straight As everywhere", she laughed, the others didn't.

Suddenly, Cole leaned back with his chair. He sat behind her with his brothers and friends since the other tables were already taken. 
"Pretty, bad girl, intelligent, and might know how to fight. Not bad", he said, smirking.
"On top of that, I'm a daddy's girl and he taught me how to use a gun", she said, smirking, and leaning back in her chair. 

"Makes you just more wanted", was his only response, she rolled her eyes and hit the back of his chair with hers, so he would hit the table.
"And still not your league", she said and went on eating. 

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