Chapter 28

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Friday she was walking to the graveyard again. All alone and completely scared.
She had that feeling again. That feeling that everything was about to find its end. She was nervous, scared, and unsure if she was just imagining things that weren't there or she was right with her thoughts. 

Brad's message had been simple. 
'Come to the graveyard. I have a present for you'
It could be nothing and he would just beat her up, but it could be everything and he might kill her today. 

It scared her. What should she do? She had to go, but she didn't want to.
Taking out her phone she chose Tom's contact. 
'Hey, just wanted to tell you that I love you so much and that you mean the world to me. I am so grateful that I met you. Thank you for everything you did for me. I love you.' She added a heart and sent it to him. 

Then she chose Jake's contact and put her phone away. 
It felt like a déjà vu as she walked to the graveyard. She had gone to the same place and felt almost the same way on her birthday. 

She had told herself she would hold on until Jake saved her and she would do the same today. 

Her fingers were shaking, so she put them in the back pocket of her shorts, it made her look scared and small. Her thoughts couldn't go away from what would happen today and it didn't help that she was able to see the graveyard already. 

There was an iron fence consisting of stakes around the whole graveyard. There were exactly two entrances to the graveyard. One on the other side and the one Brad was standing in front of. 
His look gave her goosebumps, but she still walked up to him and looked at him. 

If this was her last time, then she would try being strong. 
Today, she saw something more in his eyes. Something so devilish that it told her he would kill today. It told her that there would be blood and it would be her blood. 

Two boys, Max and John, walked up to her and grabbed her by the forearms. She tried her best to defend herself and get out of their reach, but eventually, they caught her and held her still, so Brad could do whatever he likes with her. 

The first punch went straight to her stomach. 
"This will be fun", he said and punched her again. He punched her several times, pain erupted in her body, and though she tried to hide it, she couldn't and gasped. 

"I would love to see your brothers' faces when they see your dead body." Brad kneed her stomach and went on punching and hitting her. "They will finally get that they shouldn't have messed with me. He grabbed her and threw her against the graveyards' gates. 

"They always thought that I'm weak, a joke. They thought I couldn't do anything, now look at this." He started to kick her. "Their little sister controlled by me for years and they couldn't do anything." He crouched down in front of her and took out a sharp knife. The blade was shining, she could've seen her reflection in it.
Not for long. 

Brad placed the knife on her bare arm and pressed a little. "I'll send the video to Jayden. It will rip him apart watching it." He pressed the knife down more and pulled it down, blood leaked from the wound. 

He placed the knife on her thigh and cut her again. He did the same again and again, creating thin cuts all over her body.

He ceased from cutting her leg, looked up into her sapphire-blue eyes, and she knew it. She prepared herself for the pain that was about to come. It would hurt, hurt much more, but she had to stay strong. 

"This is going to be so much fun", he said and the knife searched its way through her skin on her right thigh. She screamed in pain, not able to take it. She hissed, her breathing becoming faster. The pain shot through her whole body and she tried to push him away, but he didn't budge.

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