Chapter 21

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Completely exhausted the five siblings fell on the couches and armchairs. 
After lunch, their parents went out to meet some friends and go shopping afterward. Since they were bored and Zack complained that Jayden didn't buy them a cupcake too, they had baked a cake and cupcakes. 

After they had put them in the oven, they started cleaning up, but somehow cleaning up ended up in a food fight and the kitchen looked bad in the end.
However, they had cleaned that up and even made dinner and ate since their parents said they would be late. 

They had decorated the cupcakes and the cake and all that had exhausted them drastically. 
Before baking, she had talked to Tom too. He had told her how he had gone out skateboarding with his friends and how they had met Britney. 

At the beginning of their conversation, he had been in a bad mood. 
Britney had destroyed his favorite board and it wasn't repairable anymore, but at the end of the conversation he said, he would be in a better mood. 

She had told him about her day too, though there wasn't much to tell. She rather enjoyed listening to Tom's voice. 

"What do we do now?", Raffael asked. Jayden was about to suggest something, but that was when a phone rang. It wasn't hers.
Jayden took out his phone and answered the phone, informing them that it was Kayson. 

"Definitely not like this and don't speak in that tone to me", Jayden said shortly after to Kayson.
"Why?... Shoot daggers at them, you will survive one night. We're doing that all the time."

Raffael leaned over the armrest of the armchair to the couch and asked Saphira: "Do you know what they're talking about?"
Even the twins gave her a confused expression.
As if she could read someone's mind, but she might have an idea. 

"I think it's about the dress." Jayden nodded at her. 
Kayla had asked her what she should wear for the dinner with her parents. They wanted to go out to a luxury restaurant. Saphira had chosen a red dress, that hugged Kayla's waist and fell loose from the waist. It was knee-long with only one shoulder. Kayla rocked the dress.

Better, Kayla had created it, just like she had created Saphira's birthday present. It was a jeans-style gym bag and it looked so good. Kayla truly had a talent for it, too bad her parents didn't like her doing a living with it.  

"I can hang up if you don't wanna hear him complaining", Jayden offered. 
"I think it's funny. Put him on speaker", she told him and Jayden did. 
"Okay, Kayson. She's listening."
"Saphira Halfblood, what in your right mind were you thinking giving my sister such a dress?", Kayson instantly complained. She suppressed a laugh.

"Kayson Stanfort, you do not scare me by using my full name." Her voice was serious and showed who was the boss. "And now complain less. Kayla looks amazing and she loves the dress. So do your sister a favor and let her feel like a princess or is your ego so big that you can't let your sister take the spotlight for one night?"

Her brothers started laughing out loud. 
"And you better be happy that I didn't give Kayla my black dress. It's sleeveless, backless, tight, and would go mid-tight", she didn't let Kayson say a word.

"You wouldn't have dared."
"I would have. I'm not scared of you."
"I could break your bones", he threatened. 
"You've got to pass five boys first and then I would still break your bones." 

"I wanna see that", Kayson challenged. 
"Not going to happen. If you touch a single hair on her head, I will kill you", her brothers threatened now, Kayson remained silent.

"I have to go, but wait until Monday, Saphira. We're going to half a serious talk", Kayson said and hung up.
They then decided to play cards until their parents came, Zack won.

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