Chapter 6

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The next time she opened her eyes, she glanced at the white ceiling. Then she felt the softness under her and the heaviness above her. It took her a few minutes to comprehend.
She was in hospital, laying in a bed, the heaviness came from the cover. There was a beeping sound, a sound she recognized since it became so common.

"You're awake," Jake spoke and approached the bed.
"What happened?" she asked, pushing herself up into a sitting position.
Jake, basically her personal doctor, looked at her with his soft grey eyes, his dark hair was messed, probably because of an exhausting day and she just worsened it.

"After you didn't reply anymore, I had to track your phone and we picked you up with the ambulance. Found you, and started treatment in the car. The scene was pretty horrific."
"I'm sorry and thank you."

"It's okay kiddo, but what happened?" he asked, hoping for her to say the truth, she couldn't.
"I...I couldn't stand it to be around my brothers, so I... I-," she started lying, but couldn't end it. She should have invented a lie beforehand or now, but she didn't and she didn't get a good one in her head.

"It's okay," Jake spoke and sighted. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. It hurts a little, but I'm fine."
"I will give you some painkillers. You don't have any broken bones, but some grazes and bruises. You have cuts, some are deeper than others, and there is the deep stab wound in your stomach. You're lucky that nothing bad happened. I stitched it. The stab went under your last rib and barely missed your liver. Be careful they will need some time healing," he told her, she nodded as an answer.

"Do I have to stay?"
"I would prefer it, but I guess you don't want people to find out and I mean you can handle, so I will let you go and want you back soon for a check-up."
"Thank you."
"I have a dress for you. Go change in the bathroom and I give you the painkillers."

She went to change her clothes and came out only a few minutes later. She looked bad.
"Do my parents know?" she asked as she sat down on the bed.
"Yes, I had to call them. I informed them about your injuries and told them not to come. I suspected that you would want to go back to school. You better call them later. I will call and talk to them now."

"Thanks, Jake. For everything I mean." Saphira hugged him tightly.
Jake was there for her from day one. He had taken care of her when she came to the hospital for the first time because Brad had beaten her up again. Like everyone, he had asked her what happened, she lied, and he accepted.

From that moment on, he always took care of her when she was too badly hurt, taught her how to take care of wounds and all that. He never let her down and believed in her, never gave her up, and never judged her 'cause he knew better. Knew she was going through some rough time and that there was more to it than they could think of.

"And I'm sorry that I make it hard for you to trust me."
"Saphira, I trust you and I know that you trust me. Whatever is going on, must be really hard on you and I want you to know that you can always come to me if you need someone to listen or help you. Until then, I will understand that you can't talk about it or don't want to. If the only thing I can do is to take care of your wounds, then I will do that."

"One day, you will know the whole story," she promised.
"I will wait for that day." Little did he know what she actually meant.


In the end, Jake drove her back to the school since his shift was over and he wanted to watch her for a few more minutes.
Back at the school, she had to hurry since she had only a little more until the first period would start.

In her room, she quickly put on a black jeans and top. Leaving her room, she put on the black jacket and strapped her bag on. She entered the classroom just as the bell rang and sat down next to Kayla.

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