Chapter 16

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"When will she wake up?", she heard a deep voice. Whose was it?
"You know, you can't ask that every five minutes", a new voice said, again a deep voice.
Great that her brain could differ between deep and high voices, but couldn't give out names to them.

"It shouldn't be much longer. She'll be awake soon." However, she recognized that voice. It was the last voice she had talked to. It was Jake. 
Then she felt her hair being brushed away. 

"I still don't get how this could happen." That was Jayden's voice now. 
"We don't know that either", Jake answered. 
"But it happens every year on her birthday since you guys left", Mrs. Halfblood spoke. 

"Every year?", she heard Jack reassure himself. He sounded shocked. 
Saphira tried opening her eyes, but she couldn't. They felt so heavy. Just like whatever was about her pressing on her chest. On the other side, she felt something soft under her. 

"I don't like anything happening to her, this is too much. She wouldn't do this to herself, so I freaking want to know who did this to her", Jack exclaimed, raising his voice.
"Calm down. She could hear you and that could pressure her. Calm down for her", Jake told him. 

"We all want to know what's going on, but she's the only one who knows and she's not saying a word", Mr. Halfblood exclaimed, starting to tell them about all their attempts to find out the truth. 

That was when she blacked out a little. 
When she came back, her senses were stronger than before. She felt the needle in her arm, heard the beeping sound of a machine, smelt the scent of disinfection. Her brain told her she was in hospital, her eyes didn't want to open.  

"After that, we understood that the only thing we could do to help her was to support her", Mr. Halfblood said, telling her that she hadn't been out for long.
"We would love to help her, do more, especially after everything we saw", Jake told them.
"What did happen?", Zack asked now. 

"That's something she has to tell you, but I could tell you what I have seen her go through without telling too much", Jake offered and a few seconds later started to tell them.
He told them how they first met, she had a sprained arm and a black eye. He told them about her being excited for her thirteenth birthday and then being brought into the emergency and how he performed emergency surgery. 

Jake told them how he saw her lose her friends, break to pieces, and started to dislike and then hate her brothers. How they believed it was because they left, but never quite got why. 
Jayden disagreed, telling them how she promised not to hate or be mad at them for leaving. 

She remembered that day. The day they had to leave. She had cried and begged them not to go, but she had no choice in that. They left, but she had accepted it, believing they would talk every day and she would see them on the weekends.
They had told them that they loved her and didn't want to leave.
She had told them that she loved them and she had promised not to be mad.

"Maybe you're wrong. You don't seem to know what she went through", Jake spoke.
Saphira was still busy opening her eyes. It wasn't looking good.
"Then someone tell me what happened in this damn three years!", Jayden almost screamed. His patience was ripping, he hated being left in the dark. He hated not knowing. 

"We can't do that. It's her story to tell", Mrs. Halfblood spoke, and then she felt soft fingers cup her hand.
"It's not a pretty one and she has to decide when she will tell it to you"

However, Jake went on telling them a little more about how she had cried a lot, been in pain, shut everyone out for a while. He went to tell how she became a bad girl and how it helped her, leaving out Tom. He told them about her dancing. 

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