Chapter 17

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Saphira spent the evening with Kayla, talking about everything and anything. She had told Kayla that Paul was crushing on her and how Saphira caught him looking at her several times. It seemed as Kayla liked him too. 

Kayla had then mentioned Tom and Rose being a cute couple, Saphira had choked on her water as Kayla said that. When she had asked why Kayla believed that, she told her it would be the way he treated her and she revealed that the guys said they would see the love for Rose in Tom's eyes.  

Saphira had changed the topic and Kayla had told her about what she liked and disliked, this time Saphira listened and even told her a few things about herself.
They told each other funny stories that had happened and Kayla told her a lot of school stories. 

It had been a great time and they really bond a lot. 
Saphira didn't think of Kayla as a replacement anymore, as well. She had understood that it was never the case and her brothers only loved her that way, Kayla was just a friend to them.

Shortly before midnight that same day she stepped into the skate park, already hearing someone skate. Coming closer, she saw Tom skating up the halfpipe and doing a trick. He skated down and stopped in front of her.

Forgetting his skateboard, he stepped closer to Rose and pulled her into a tight embrace, she returned it, losing herself in him. 
She smelt his scent. A mixture of his aftershave and a rainy day in summer, she loved it. His embrace was warm, gave her the feeling of protection and comfort.

"I missed you", she whispered against his chest.
"I missed you too", he whispered into her hair.
They just stood there for several seconds until they let go of each other.

"You've got a lot to tell", he said and sat down on the bottom of the halfpipe. He nodded next to him smiling. She sat down next to him and started telling him what happened. How Brad had beaten her up and how she ended up in hospital and all, leaving out that it was her birthday and Brad's name. 

He once again promised her to help her somehow and save her. He promised her that he would keep her safe and that she shouldn't worry too much.

Rose believed him, she told him that. That she believed him and held on to his words. It was not to put some pressure on him, it was simply because she wanted him to know how much he helped her, how much he was there for her.

"You know, I risked", she told him as they remained silent for a while. Enjoying each other's company and the beautiful night. "When B beat me up, I talked back. I wasn't strong enough to keep him away, but I try harder next time." She closed her eyes breathed through. 

"I came to a decision with my brothers too. I will enjoy every moment and live it the way I want. That means I'm including them in my life like before. I just feel guilty because of all the lies. They don't even know that I'm Rose", she added then. Tom put his arm around her and smiled at her. 

"That's the right attitude. Don't feel guilty. We all knew you wouldn't do it if you could." He kissed her temple and let go of her, folding his hands in his lap. 
"Everything okay?", she asked, he looked kind of nervous. Why would he be?

"Yeah. Tell me a story."
"Why don't you tell me one? I've been talking all the time", she replied. 
"I love listening to your voice", he argued. 
"And I love listening to yours", she used the same argument. "And I haven't been hearing it that much today." 

"Fine. You tell me something short about you and your brothers and I tell a lot afterwards", he suggested and she agreed.
"My brothers and I were inseparable, you rarely saw one without the other. We used to go to the playground a lot. There was a soccer field and a basketball course and we would spend a lot of time playing soccer. We played basketball too, but obviously, they already won because of their height. After they defeated me, they would lift me up on their shoulders, so I could shoot hoops until I had more than them." 

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