Chapter 14

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"That Bastard", Tom cursed, clenching his teeth, and shooting daggers at her brother. The rest of her family and Kayla and Kayson stood by Jayden. 
Tom turned to her. "I can call it off", Tom said, but she shook her head. 
"If I don't fight, they'll think I'm scared and I'll lose my position", she remembered. 

"Then be extra careful", he told her and pulled her as close as possible to his chest. 
"I'll be extra careful." Not only for Tom but for Jayden too, because if she got hurt and he found out one day, then he won't ever forgive himself.

You probably asking what a hardcore fight was. Simple. It was like a regular fight that took place here, except that the fighters got to choose a weapon. Not a gun, but a knife was in. 

She broke the embrace and looked up to Tom's green eyes. 
"You got this. You're my Sweetie, aren't you?" He leaned over and kissed her forehead. 
"Tom, I'm not going to take a weapon." His eyes got wide and he got suspicious. "Don't ask why, but I can't do it." He nodded. 

"It's okay. You won't need it", he said and stepped closer, so that only she would hear him. "Your strategy is based on your opponent burning off all his energy, so make sure that he's completely down before you attack. Don't take any risks and dodge more than you block. As fast as possible and only if it's secure, get his weapon out of the ring. He's not allowed to use it if it's outside the ring", he advised her, she nodded understanding. 

"Okay. I've got this", she told him. 
"Let's begin", the referee called for them. "Come here." Jayden already went to him, Tom held her back. He kissed her hairline and whispered: "Come back to me safe." She nodded, smiled, and walked to the referee. 

Jayden chose his weapon, a knife. She told them she wouldn't take one and they have been shocked. Then the referee started to count down for the fight to begin. 

"Three." Jayden and Rose looked into each other's eyes. 
"Two." He tightened his grip around the knife and she saw that he wore the gloves she had presented him. She also knew by that that he would attack instantly.
"One." Rose got ready to dodge or block.
"Go!" Jayden attacked with the knife, but she dodged skillfully and blocked the punch. 

He aimed another punch at her stomach, but she avoided being hit by stepping away. 
Following came an attack with the knife, but she quickly stepped back. Coming closer, Jayden attacked with a hook, she ducked and brought some space between them.

Several attacks by Jayden followed, many were executed with the knife, but she hadn't attacked him once yet. She would only need a few minutes to finish him off once he was exhausted. 
Unfortunately, her brother had stamina. 

Five minutes past and he was still attacking strong. She dodged several attacks, blocked punches. Two more minutes and it happened. 
She couldn't escape or block the attack.

Rose stood with her back to her family as Jayden executed a punch directed at her stomach and an uppercut. She could block them effortlessly, but since she used that combo herself, she expected him to step back, he didn't.

He attacked with the knife, she wasn't fast enough to react and he cut her along her collarbone, which immediately started bleeding. The cut wasn't deep and not too much blood came out. Rose looked at Jayden, he smirked. Would he if he knew she was his little sister?

Jayden was about to attack, but this time she blocked and dodged, getting out of his way. 
It took another three minutes, where she feinted attacks, so he would get exhausted more quickly. He did and she attacked, starting to get rid of the knife. 

Her fist met his stomach, then she executed an uppercut followed by a kick against his arm. The knife fell to the ground and she quickly kicked it away. 
After that, it wasn't too hard. She attacked with several punches, kicks, and hooks.
Rose didn't go too hard on him, just hard enough to end the fight.

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