Chapter 19

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Saphira turned around in her chair and faced Kayla, who was laying on her bed over her notebook. After Saphira had returned she had found Kayla packing in their room. They had packed their bag for parents weekend and then went to do something by themself. 

Saphira had chosen to write on her laptop, but she had just remembered that she wanted to tell Kayla something.
"Guess, who watched you all the time in English today", she addressed Kayla, who looked up now. 

"Paul, of course. Didn't you realize how he should answer the question and didn't even know what we were talking about?", Saphira told her. 
"Really?" Kayla sat up, biting down on her lip. 
"Yeah. Seems like someone else wasn't listening too." Saphira laughed when Kayla turned red.

"I was designing. That's more fun than English", she excused herself. 
"Sure, you were", Saphira turned around again and before her fingers could touch the keyboard, her phone got her attention. 

Taking it, she chose the chat with Tom. He had not even read her text.
"I think you should ask him out if he doesn't do it. It's obvious to everyone that you like each other", she told Kayla, while typing another message for Tom. 
"You think so?", Kayla reassured, Saphira nodded and sent her text. 

is everything okay? You're really scaring me right now. Did something happen? Are you hurt? Please respond, you're truly scaring me. I love you.'  She had added two red hearts.

"What if he says no?", Kayla voiced her doubts.
"He won't", Saphira disagreed, and then because she got insecure she wrote Tom another short text. 

'Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did. Please don't be mad.' She added a heart and a sad emoji to it.

"Fine. I'll do it if he doesn't", Kayla agreed, smiling Saphira started typing again. "What about you?", Kayla asked then. 
"What do you mean?", Saphira asked looking at her shortly without stopping to type. 

"You and Cole seem to get along real good lately", she explained. 
"That's nothing. Cole's not my type and it's just friendship. I told him that and he accepts it", she answered, opening her notebook. She needed information.

"Okay, not Cole. What about Kayson? He's a nice guy", Kayla tried. 
"He is, but he's not my type. Also, I don't date my friend's brother", she told Kayla, turning her head to give her a meaningful look. 

"Fine. Not Cole, not Kayson, but who then? What's your type?", she asked eager to know.
"Don't try setting me up with someone." I already have someone, at least I hope so. Her gaze shifted to her phone, there wasn't a new message.  
"I won't. I just wanna know what type of guy you would like", Kayla promised. 

Saphira turned around to her again and sighed. She pulled a leg on the chair and leaned forward a bit. "Bad boy, but sweet. Funny, intelligent, caring, loving. Someone who respects me, loves me for who I am. Someone who supports me in anything and someone who I can trust." 

"Someone like Tom", Kayla stated.
Not someone like Tom, Tom. It was Tom.
Even if him not responding to her scared her a little bit.
"Yeah. Someone like him", Saphira answered, and then she heard the notification sound of her phone. 

She quickly turned to check her phone, hoping it was Tom, but no, it was Jayden telling her they would come five minutes late to get here. 
"You're waiting for someone to call?" 
"My pen friend", she answered shortly. 

"Okay. So back to Tom. Why don't you go out with him?" I am.
"I don't know", she said, and then to make Kayla stop talking about Tom: "Let's focus on bringing you and Paul together." 

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