Chapter 3

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Saphira decided missing her first day of school would be too much, so she went to the first period with Kayla. Sports.
The girls entered the gym, which was filled with a few students, standing in groups and chatting. She spotted the teacher, who was making notes in his notebook too.

Another boy entered the gym and walked straight towards the two girls. It was Raffael and he didn't seem mad at all. Was that a good sign or a bad one?
More interesting would be whether he recognized his younger sister or not.

"What you gonna do now?" Kayla murmured, Saphira didn't answer.  Yes, she came across as rude, and if she might try to get to know Kayla they could be friends, but she didn't want to. She didn't need more disappointment and hurt in her life than she already had and staying on distance was the best thing to do.

Raffael came to a halt directly in front of them.
"Hi. I wanted to thank you for saving my brother Zack. You're new, aren't you? What's your name?" You see, Raffael was nice, really nice, and if she would be her old self then she would have answered nicely. Hell, she would have jumped into his arms and made a joke that he didn't recognize his own sister. But she couldn't forget what he did to her.

"You're welcome, yes, and none of your business." Raffael seemed surprised by her rude tone.
"Chill. No need to be snappy. Just wanted to be nice." Raffael left without another word.
"He didn't recognize you," Kayla stated, Saphira just nodded.

Somehow that hurt, because it kind of showed how little they cared, but then again she didn't care about them either.

"We will go on with soccer. Raffael, Nick, and Vanessa will choose the teams," the teacher then announced and the three started choosing. As expected, Saphira was one of the last to be chosen. It was only Kayla and Saphira and Raffael chose Kayla.

"I guess I take the new girl then," Nick announced. He was the youngest of the Pure brothers as well. The teacher chose Raffael's and Vanessa's team to start with and a few minutes later they were playing and it was clear who would win this game.

Vanessa was blond and Saphira's first impression of her wasn't that good. The girl wore really short shorts and a crop top. Now, it was not on Saphira to tell her what to wear. If that was what Vanessa wanted to wear, then so be it. Just because she didn't like Vanessa's fashion style, it didn't mean she couldn't be a cool person, but one thing was for sure. She didn't know how to play soccer.

Raffael's team won and Nick's team would play against Vanessa's now. Nick had been so nice to ask her in which position she wanted to play and he had agreed to let her play in the offense.
The game started, Raffael was gone.
'Well, not my problem when I defeat him later on,' she thought.

The game was pretty easy and they won nine to zero. 
Five minutes later the game between Nick's and Raffael's team began.

Saphira played the ball to Nick, who stormed forward immediately, but Raffael easily took the ball off and stormed into the other direction. She went after him and skilfully took the ball away. Before Raffael understood what was going on, she already shot the ball at the goal and scored. 

This game was more interesting than the one before. Both teams scored and played skillfully. 
When there were only a few minutes left to play, the score was tied. Raffael had the ball, reaching the middle line. Saphira stormed forward and tried to take the ball. She was able to get closer to the goal and then the ball flew up.

Before Raffael could even attempt to get the ball, she turned and kicked it with a backflip. It went straight into the goal. 
"Nick's team wins," the teacher announced.

"We defeated the Halfbloods. Seems like you guys aren't the best anymore," Nick exclaimed and smirked at Raffael.
Technically, she was a Halfblood too.
"Just shut up. One win doesn't make you the best," Raffael responded and took off. 

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