Chapter 11

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If she wanted to, she could put them on the rack, wait a few seconds or even minutes, pretend to think about it and then give the answer she knew from the beginning. 

Instead, she showed her trust to Tom. "I'm almost sorry for you. I'll be over there, watching how you get your ass kicked", she spoke to Chris. Instantly, cheers were audible. 
"Oh, Lord. What a statement. Boys, you have three minutes to prepare", the referee spoke. 

Chris went into one corner of the ring, Tom and Rose went into the other one. 
"You're risking a lot. First kiss to such a perv", Tom said, as he took the leader gloves from her. They were his, so they would fit him. 

"Yeah, as if you would lose. You probably have to put up a show, so the fights not over after a minute." Rose playfully rolled her violet eyes.
"You want a show or a quick finish?", he asked smirking. A smirk reserved for only her. 
"A show, please." Tom put on the leather gloves.
"Everything for you, Sweetie." He stepped closer and kissed her temple. 

The referee told them that they had one minute left. 
"I mean, no pressure, but it would be my first kiss if you lost. Not that I'm expecting you to lose, but yeah", she said, trying to make a joke. 

Tom laughed, pulling his shirt over his head and stretching his arms. 
"Don't worry. I'll kiss you before you've got to kiss him", Tom promised, winking, and giving her a bad boy smile. 

"Well, I'll accept. Getting kissed by a hot boy with a perfect character doesn't sound bad to me."
"Guess the hard training pays off", Tom replied, coming closer to her. She liked it. Liked him flirting with her, and only her. Maybe she liked him a little more than friends, but she would probably not say it, too afraid he wouldn't like her that way. 

"Pays off too much", she answered and rolled her eyes. 
"The color is new. I like it", he then said, referring to her contacts. She had gotten new ones and the violet was a shade darker.  

"Boys, come here", the referee called them. Tom kissed her on the temple again, gave her his shirt, and went to the middle of the ring. Rose climbed behind the ropes and stood on the ring's ground. 
The referee came straight to the point: "Ready?"

Tom and Chris squared off.
"Go!", the referee screamed and went to the side. Tom and Chris circled each other and she saw that Chris was impatiently waiting for Tom to attack, he could wait long for it.
Tom always let his opponent attack first to see their habits when they attacked. 
So the question was, who had more patience. Chris? Or Tom?

Obviously, it was Tom. As Chris passed her for the second time he lost his patience and attacked. 
A simple punch, Tom blocked easily. 
Then he attacked himself and hit Chris in the stomach, hard. Chris stumbled a few steps back but regained his balance. 

"That's all you got?", Tom provoked him. Chris clenched his teeth and looked at him furiously, not as it would scare him. Carefully, he stepped closer to Tom, they were a few inches apart.

Chris tried an uppercut, Tom blocked and attacked with a hook, his fist hit his face. Tom kneed him in the guts and stepped back. 

"Come on. You promised to make it interesting", Rose called to him.  
"I fulfill your every wish, Sweetie, but this one's impossible. He's too bad." Tom turned towards her, showing Chris that he wasn't an opponent for him.

"Then finish it off", she said and he nodded smiling. 
Chris went at Tom, who was still facing Rose. He probably believed that he would land a punch now, but Tom saw it coming and turned around. He blocked the punch and punched him against the shoulder blade. 

Chris tried attacking Tom again, but Tom dodged, grabbed Chris' arm, and threw him over his shoulder. 
Still, he didn't give up and tried attacking Tom, who was faster, and kicked him several times until the last attempts died off and the referee ended the fight. 

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